Changes in v1.5 -- leto
Sat Jan 12 04:20:48 EST 2002 
	* t/inverse.t test 6 was numerically instable, commented out
		I ran it 10000 times and got values from 1e-2 to 1e-16,
		this caused the test to randomly fail, because it checked
		that the value was less than 1e-10
		I did not notice this problem because my default perl install
	* changed epsilon to be 1e-8 in ( was 1e-10)

Changes in v1.4 -- leto
Jan 10 2002
	* Steffen Beyer gave maintainer-ship to Jonathan Leto
	* exponent() function added
	* trace() function added
	* "**" and "**="  overloaded to exponent()
	* $matrix ** -1 is now a quick way to compute the inverse, if it exists
	* new_from_rows and new_from_cols integrated from Math::MatrixReal::Ext1
	* is_diagonal() function added
	* is_tridiagonal() function added
	* each() function added
	* each_diag() function added
	* put functions used by all the test scripts into instead
		of all of them having copy+paste code
	* t/inverse.t created 
	* t/diag.t created 
	* t/exponent.t created
	* t/trace.t created
	* t/ext1.t created
	* some documentation spelling errors corrected
	* perl operators exp(),sin(),cos() overloaded 
		only works with diagonal matrices for now
	* new_diag() function added
	* is_upper_triangular() function added
	* is_lower_triangular() function added
	* t/triang.t created
	* t/det.t created
	* inverse() function added
	* det() function added
		should be much faster for diagonal and triangular matrices
	* tri_diagonalize() tri_eigenvalues() and now do real tridiag check, as per TODO
	* t/minor.t created
	* t/cofactor.t created
	* t/adjoint.t created
	* t/quadratic.t created
	* norm_sum() function added
	* t/norm.t created
	* check if $rows and $cols are integers in new()
	* t/condition.t created
	* t/product.t created
	* eigenvalues() function added
	* t/eigen_NxN.t - added test for eigenvalues()
	* swap_row() function added
	* swap_col() function added
	* t/swap.t created
	* t/orthogonal.t created
	* is_orthogonal() function added