- Darwin support!
- Minimum Perl version changed to 5.8.0
- Make platform check compile time constants for performance
aka The Wilhelm Speedup (thanks to Eric Wilhelm <scratchcomputing@gmail.com>)
- FFT for real data
- Numerical derivatives fully implemented
- Integration subsystem, gsl_integrate_qags() and gsl_integrate_qagi(), etc..
- QNG : Non-adaptive Gaussian (uses fixed number of sample points in interval)
- QAG(S) : Adaptive Gaussian (Singluar) (slices interval up based on properties of the function)
- QAGI : Adaptive Gaussian with infinite integration range
- other are supported but not tested
- Initial Monte tests
- Initial Multiroots tests
- More nan/inf fixes on MSWin32 from <sisyphus@cpan.org>
- Stripping of binaries on Windows, which significantly reduces size
from <sisyphus@cpan.org>
- Full support and tests for all functions in the Sort subsystem
- Added 'examples/benchmark/sort' to show performance of gsl_sort()
- Added 'examples/clicker/chart' to show graphing of functions
- Added 'examples/gsl_repl' which is a rapid protyping tool/interactive interpreter
- Compile support for GSL's as old as 1.8 (test suite still needs to be properly guarded)
- Continued porting to MSWin32, fixing many NaN and Inf handling issues
- Large documentation improvements
- MSWin32 support thanks to testing and feedback from <sisyphus@cpan.org>
- Initial CPAN release
- Started change to Test::Class
- Added swig interface files and swig-ified build script
- initial tests for special function library gsl_sf <--> Math::GSL::Sf
- Proof Of Concept: makegsl and testgsl