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Revision history for PerlPoint-Converters.

Version 0.008   01/17/2001
-  REAME updated (Introduction and About PerlPoint-Converters)
-  ppdoc.pp Dokumentation updated
-  Requires PerlPoint::Parser 0.29, and hence perl5.00503
   (Some earlier versions of the PerlPoint-Package needed perl5.6.0)
-  changes to pp2html:
   o  Parameters for fgcolor, linkcolor, vlinkcolor, alinkcolor
   o  Parameters for cache usage: --cache, --cacheCleanup
   o  .cfg files adapted to new options
-  changes to pp2latex
   o  POD Docu updated
   o  --slide_dir parameter to be compatible with pp2html
   o  --no_index
   o  Parameters for cache usage: --cache, --cacheCleanup
   o  no formatting in \verbatim blocks
   o  bugfix: version message now goes to STDERR

Version 0.007   12/10/2000
-  First version vor CPAN
-  Name of the package changed from `pp2xx' to `PerlPoint-Converters'.
   The reason was that the Parser package had to change its name from `PP-Package'
   to `PerlPoint-Package' when being moved to the CPAN. To make it clear that the
   two packages are closely related, I decided to use the new name.
-  require 5.6.0 (because PerlPoint-Package-0.27 needs it, too)
-  Option "--safe_opcodes"

Version 0.006   10/27/2000
-  \EMBED  \END_EMBED supported in pp2html
-  Templates changed (usage of karawane-50.gif)
-  Activated embedded perl code (use Safe)
-  pp2latex: rudimentary support of eps files:
   when you use \IMAGE{src="filename.gif"} a file named "filename.eps" will be
   included in the tex file (if it exists ... :-)
-  ppdoc.pp updated (\INCLUDE parser-paragraphs, parser-tags and parser-active-contents
   from Jochen Stenzel)
-  create the slide directory specified by --slide_dir as necessary
-  pp2latex: included first version of TABLE support (from Alexander Sigel)
-  --block_indent option for pp2html
-  --no_index option for pp2html

Version 0.005   10/19/2000
-  name changed: pp2htm  --> pp2html
-  needs PP::Parser 0.21
-  handler for DPointItem
-  sorting in index has been corrected
   multiple index entries are now supported
-  parameter "file" in \IMAGE tags renamed to "src" (for better consistency with HTML)
-  parameters "height" and "width" supported for \IMAGE tags
-  parameter "face" supported for \F tag
-  \TABLE tags supported
-  handle shift paragraphs > and <
-  Bugfix: if there was no index, the last page was not processed !!

Version 0.004   10/04/2000
-  \IMAGE tag implemented
-  \F tag implemented
-  Option --nav_template for navigation bar inside each page of a frame set
-  automatic insertion of anchor for each page (name of anchor is the page header)
-  Option --java_script_navigation

Version 0.003   09/10/2000
-  first version with Makfile.PL support

Version 0.002   08/04/2000
-  make_submission script enhanced
-  ppdoc.pp: first english version, not yet complete

Version 0.001   08/03/2000
-  Initial version with first versions of make_submission, README
   and ex_* sample test cases