Revision history for Perl extension Net::Telnet::Brcd.
0.17 Wed May 16 22:08:59 DFT 2007
- Add new function getline to read interactive command
I code this function for portperfshow command.
0.16 Wed May 16 22:08:59 DFT 2007
- Change documentation
0.15 Mon Apr 2 14:33:17 DFT 2007
- Add cfgsave function
- Use exception if errors. Need to use eval {}; block
to ignore errors
- Add option -filter for zoneShow
0.14 Fri Mar 30 23:16:29 DFT 2007
- Documentation improvment for cmd command
- Now, cmd automatically answer 'yes' to cfgsave or cfgenable
command. It could be dangerous but so usefull for scripts.
0.13 Fri Mar 28 23:16:29 DFT 2007
- Now, aliShow support multiple WWN for one alias name
- Documentation is know in English. Please help me.
- Module is now tested on :
48000, 4100, 320B : FabOS 5.2.0a
12000: FabOS 4.4.0e
3800: FabOS 3.2
AP7420: XPathOS 7.4
Hard job for functions switchShow an fabricShow
0.01 Tue Feb 28 09:04:15 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-A -X -n Net::Telnet::Brcd