Revision history for perl module Webservice::Judobase

0.04 2021-06-04

  - Changes to address changes in the API
    - URL
    - User agent
  - Another example script thanks to Leandro Guilheiro (Brazil)
  - [NEW] Ability to get contest info
  - [NEW] Method to get list of copetitions
  - Change to construct sub classes using ua and url from base
  - Additional POD documentation (mainly placeholders)

0.03 2020-05-23

  - Examples for Commonwealth Judo Association Conference Added
  - More tests Added
  - Fixes to reflect changes in API

0.02 2018-07-03

 - Moved tests that hit API to xt from t
 - Added Changes file

0.01 2018-07-02

 - Initial public release

0.01 2017-08-26

 - Test release for YAPC::EU 2017