Revision history for Perl extension Tk::GraphItems.
0.07 Changed Makefile to require Tk 804.027
0.06 2006-05-29
Moved functionality to - parent class of TextBox and Circle
Added tests for Circle- and Tie- classes
'bind_class' implemented for Connectors
Changed use VERSION to 5.008
requiring Scalar::Util 1.10
0.05 Added Circle class ( suggested by Nandor Sieben, thanks for testing )
0.04 Added option autodestroy to Tk::GraphItems::Connector
Added option font to Tk::GraphItems::TextBox
Added example to demonstrate usage with
0.03 Changed use VERSION to 5.008001
Changed Tk::GraphItems::GraphItem::DESTROY to silence warnings during
global destruction.
0.02 Added error-check to GraphItem::_set_layer
Made GraphItems a wrapper for GraphItems::TextBox::new
and GraphItems::Connector::new
0.01 Thu Apr 20 19:09:55 2006
first version