Revision history for MooseX::Log::Log4perl
0.42 Thu Apr 29 2010 (again)
* Remove Log::Any from benchmark tests, we want to avoid failing tests
0.41 Thu Apr 29 2010
* Added POD::Covergage test (t/podcoverage.t)
* Added Perl::Critic test (t/pelr-critic.t)
* RT#57021: Raised dependency to Log::Log4perl 1.13 which first introduced the TRACE level (thanks Sam Vilain)
* Raise dependency for Moose to 0.65, which has fixes for Win32 Builds
* Updated Module::Install to 0.94
* Raise required perl version to 5.8
0.40 Sun May 17 2009
* #45554: Applied patch for easy method handling for %M pattern by Tim Bunce
* Added t/99bench.t for basic benchmark testing
* Added load test of ::Easy and diag printing of version numbers to t/00load.t
* Updated included Module::Install to 0.88
* Improved tests to include %M pattern
* Only do the benchmark test for TEST_MAINT is set, otherwise skip
0.31 Mon Jul 21 2008
* Fixed bug reported by Maik Hentsche
0.30 Tue Jul 15 2008
* Corrected MANIFEST (added MANIFEST.SKIP to generate it correctly now)
* Improved pod and fixed typo in MooseX::Log::Log4perl::Easy
* Cleanup of tests and pod
* Repackage as 0.30 to fix failing cpan tests (and fix perl module version numbering for CPAN)
0.2 Mon Jul 14 2008
* Added MooseX::Log::Log4perl::Easy for simple log interface
this adds methods $self->log_error, $self->log_debug, ... for all log levels
* Cleanup of tests and pod
0.1 Thu Jul 10 2008
* Initial release with support for log4perl logging. (Roland Lammel)
* Logger init has to be done outside of this package for now.