Revision history for Tie-DxHash
- delete was not returning the expected value. It now returns a reference to a list of the
removed values. If no values were removed, it returns a reference to the empty list.
Thanks to Bart Lateur for the spot.
- did not upload to PAUSE successfully
- only run Test::Perl::Critic if AUTHOR_TEST env var is set
- Removed the SIGNATURE file. A number of people have reported failures during automatic installation
caused by SIGNATURE files. My own file caused an installation failure for one of the CPAN testers
and I was able to repeat the failure for myself when installing as root. I will reinstate this feature
when the mechanism works more reliably.
- Changed version numbering style back to a Numeric Version
(see the documentation for the version pragma). PAUSE does not appear
to like Extended Versions.
- fixed bug: tied hashes did not work correctly when used with keys/values;
tested with keys.t and scalar.t
- Added Build.PL, MANIFEST.SKIP, META.yml and SIGNATURE files to distribution
- Added support for testing with Test::Distribution, Test::Kwalitee,
Test::Perl::Critic, Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage
- Updated code to match Perl Best Practices and pass all tests down to severity 1
- Ran tests through Devel::Cover and confirmed 100% coverage
- added a version number to the top-level directory
within the tarball.
- fixed a bug related to passing additional
arguments to the tie function;
thanks to Daniel Kubb for the spot
- added a version number to the tarball
- shortened the module's short description in order
that it is not truncated on CPAN
0.90 Thu Mar 8 18:13:47 2001
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19