Revision history for Perl extension Cache::Memcached::Fast.
0.04 2007-12-16
- CPAN testers found more issues on different platforms,
fixing these.
Changes since 0.03:
const char * is missing from typemap in Perl 5.6.2, fixed by
using plain char * for class name in new().
Use AI_ADDRCONFIG conditionally, some systems do not have it
(NetBSD 3.1).
0.03 2007-12-16
- this release has no new functionality compared to 0.02. It
only fixes some test and documentation problems that were
discovered, as it always happens, after the upload to CPAN.
Changes since 0.02:
Fixed internal documentation references.
Added missing docs for incr and decr.
Fixed test case to test server version and use
cas/gets/append/prepend only for 1.2.4 and up.
Actually there's new _undocumented_ command server_versions,
is has broken interface, you can't say which version
corresponds to which server when some of them do not respond.
This command is subject to change.
0.02 2007-12-15
- first public release.
Changes since 0.01:
Fully restartable code was replaced with classic
fill-the-buffer-first approach: it turned out that
restartability doesn't add much advantage. Lots of beautiful
and ugly code gone away.
Added support for multiple servers (select machine, CRC32,
Added script/ to compare this module to the original
Cache::Memcached, and also to measure speed in general.
Added Unix socket support, SIGPIPE handling (proper ignoring
actually ;)).
Added support for serialization of Perl data structures, and
for compression.
New commands: incr, decr, gets, gets_multi, cas,
enable_compression, remove (alias to delete).
New client parameters: connect_timeout, io_timeout (aka
select_timeout), compress_threshold, compress_ratio,
compress_algo, max_failure, failure_timeout.
Finally added documentation!
Added support for server weights.
Added the Ketama consistent hashing algorithm.
Added default tests as generated with Module::Starter. Main
test case is still messy, should be split into several tests.
There's also support for 'noreply'-enabled memcached, but
those patches are not (yet) accepted to mainline, so 'noreply'
is not an official feature and is not documented.
0.01 2007-11-26
- first internal release.
Supported only one server connection (TCP). Commands are
set(), add(), replace(), prepend(), append(), delete(),
flush_all(), get(), get_multi(). Client parameters are
'servers', 'namespace', 'close_on_error'. There's no
documentation. Test case is messy (but does its job).
0.01 2007-11-19
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-O --omit-autoload --compat-version=5.6.0 \
--use-new-tests --name=Cache::Memcached::Fast