Revision history for Perl extension Cache::Memcached::Fast.

0.02  2007-12-15
        - first public release.

        Changes since 0.01:

        Fully restartable code was replaced with classic
        fill-the-buffer-first approach: it turned out that
        restartability doesn't add much advantage.  Lots of beautiful
        and ugly code gone away.

        Added support for multiple servers (select machine, CRC32,

        Added script/ to compare this module to the original
        Cache::Memcached, and also to measure speed in general.

        Added Unix socket support, SIGPIPE handling (proper ignoring
        actually ;)).

        Added support for serialization of Perl data structures, and
        for compression.

        New commands: incr, decr, gets, gets_multi, cas,
        enable_compression, remove (alias to delete).

        New client parameters: connect_timeout, io_timeout (aka
        select_timeout), compress_threshold, compress_ratio,
        compress_algo, max_failure, failure_timeout.

        Finally added documentation!

        Added support for server weights.

        Added the Ketama consistent hashing algorithm.

        Added default tests as generated with Module::Starter.  Main
        test case is still messy, should be split into several tests.

        There's also support for 'noreply'-enabled memcached, but
        those patches are not (yet) accepted to mainline, so 'noreply'
        is not an official feature and is not documented.

0.01  2007-11-26
        - first internal release.

        Supported only one server connection (TCP).  Commands are
        set(), add(), replace(), prepend(), append(), delete(),
        flush_all(), get(), get_multi().  Client parameters are
        'servers', 'namespace', 'close_on_error'.  There's no
        documentation.  Test case is messy (but does its job).

0.01  2007-11-19
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
            -O --omit-autoload --compat-version=5.6.0 \
            --use-new-tests --name=Cache::Memcached::Fast