Revision history for Carp-Growl
0.0.10 Tue Oct 1 0:00:00 2013
FIX: t/00.load.t failure when Growl requires password
IMPROVE: add Carp to prereq-modules
0.0.9 Thu Jun 20 23:45:00 2013
FIX: (Again) Test failure because of Carp's dialect
0.0.8 Sat Jun 15 20:00:00 2013
FIX: Test failure because of Carp's dialect
0.0.7 Wed May 29 20:00:00 2013
FIX: Works under perl-5.15.9 or lower
0.0.6 Mon May 27 12:40:00 2013
FIX: Test failure because of using unnecessary module "Smart::Comments"( sorry... )
0.0.5 Fri May 24 23:55:00 2013
FIX: "warn" and "die" still reports incorrect file name and line number.
IMPROVE: "unimport" works correctly.
IMPROVE: documents
0.0.4 Sun May 19 21:00:00 2013
FIX: Test passes even when there is no 'notice system'
which Growl::Any supports.
FIX: file name and line number of the message of growl had mistaken
by the multiplex call.
IMPROVE: documents
0.0.3 Sat May 13 23:06:00 2013
FIX: The test failure resulting from use of the module
"Test::Exception" without necessity is corrected.
CHANGE: build script was changed only into Build.PL.
IMPROVE: description of a document.
0.0.2 Sat May 11 15:00:00 2013
ADD: 'global' option to load.
0.0.1 Fri Feb 22 21:23:39 2013
Initial release.