Revision history for Perl extension App-ucpan
1.07 2019-04-01T13:06:23Z
- Improve POD
- Abolish the option "--from"
- Make sure that the recording file can be saved
- Fix output leakage prevention around STDERR
- Prevent self upgrading on Win32
- List prereqs strictly
- Tidy the code
1.06 2019-03-21T07:16:47Z
- Add Term::ReadKey to prereq.(issue #128900)
1.05 2019-03-20T13:53:50Z
- Improve the folding of long module names
- Make installation execution order case insensitive
1.04 2019-03-19T04:42:16Z
- Add option "-j" to control parallel test job habits.
- Fix timeout processing ( on Win32 )
1.03 2019-03-14T11:55:16Z
- Tweak UI
- Report a failure due to timeout
- Show undefined values explicitly on the screen
- Fix and tweak POD
1.02 2019-03-11T10:03:51Z
- Install modules securely
- Enable some options related from cpanm|cpan-outdated
- Fix option behavior
- Strict location of recoding file
- Make signal control more robust
- Improve help message
- Update and improve POD
1.01 2019-03-07T02:05:35Z
- Purge unused prereqs
1.00 2019-03-05T09:07:07Z
- Improve help message
- Fix and improve POD in ucpan
- Add *.log to .gitignore
0.21 2019-03-04T09:39:28Z
- Fix log to leak to screen ( on non-MSWin32 )
- Change location of config file
- Enhance debug mode
0.20 2019-03-04T02:50:24Z
- Fix inner subroutine
- Fix crash on recovery mode
0.19 2019-02-22T14:40:16Z
- Fix crash in non MSWin32 environment
0.18 2019-02-11T20:09:34Z
- Add prereqs.
0.17 2019-02-11T19:11:04Z
- Add prereqs.
- Fix sub ref.
0.16 2019-02-07T07:19:01Z
- Fix our 'VERSION'
0.15 2018-12-13T03:41:41Z
- Change file mode
0.14 2017-07-30T04:40:06Z
- Lint code
0.13 2016-11-26T09:35:48Z
- Record elapse time in .ucpandb
0.12 2016-06-11T23:41:25Z
- Report elapse time for each installing
0.11 2016-03-06T08:56:47Z
- Fix using incorrect object for folding
0.10 2015-10-23T15:10:33Z
- new feature - fold 'mod' field
0.09 2015-06-09T01:38:00Z
- fix on specific term(such as GNUscreen) buffered STDOUT/STDERR
0.08 2015-06-07T05:26:50Z
- fix bad report of up-to-date modules
0.07 2015-06-07T05:16:21Z
0.06 2015-01-25T13:50:26Z
- fix remove bad line via perltidy
0.05 2015-01-25T13:24:26Z
- fix usage prints to STDOUT now
0.04 2014-12-28T09:23:22Z
- option 'version' and 'help' now works well
0.03 2014-12-26T14:17:51Z
- improve add elapse time indicate on phase 1 & phase 2
- change width-height if terminal-type is unknown
- change code eol to LF
0.02 2014-11-29T16:29:49Z
- improvement: report elapse time for phase CHECK and INSTALL
0.01 2014-09-15T13:18:11Z
- original version