Revision history for MARC-Spec-Parser

2.0.0  2017-12-12 13:46:21 CET
        - new class Indicator (conforms to MARCspec 0.16beta)
1.0.0  2017-05-11 13:43:22 CEST
        - parse is not an object method
0.1.4  2017-04-06 08:11:51 CEST
        - Bug fixing: leave or subspecs nested when adding
0.1.3  2017-03-24 08:11:47 CET
        - Fix spelling error in pod from dr0jf
0.1.2  2017-03-06 12:01:05 CET
        - Fix POD NAME structure
0.1.1  2017-03-01 06:42:01 CET
        - equality test on mixed scalar
0.1.0  2017-02-20 12:01:40 CET

        - new has_* attributes
        - new travis.yml
0.0.4  2017-02-17 07:08:15 CET
        - typos in POD
        - update of base attribute of Structure

0.0.3  2016-07-05 12:47:30 CEST
        - precompiled regex
        - require some modules
0.0.2  2016-07-01 10:55:03 CEST
        - deleted strictures
0.0.1  2016-07-01 10:15:32 CEST
        - Initial release