Created: 2019-04-24
Home page: <https://metacpan.org/release/Web-Solid-Test-Basic>
Bug tracker: <https://github.com/kjetilk/p5-web-solid-test-basic/issues>
Maintainer: Kjetil Kjernsmo (KJETILK) <kjetilk@cpan.org>
0.005_02 2019-11-02 Make integration tests fully automated
- Fix prerequires.
Mohammad S Anwar++
- Move HTTP integration tests from author tests to normal tests, and make
them fully automated.
0.004 2019-09-23 Improve the RDF
- Restructure HTTP request-response pair parameterization.
[ Documentation ]
- Improve documentation.
0.002 2019-08-27 Authentication
- Added: A script to run mockup server.
- Added: Add bearer token-based authentication.
- Added: Author tests again mockup server.
- Added: More documentation.
- Added: Regexp-based stateful requests.
- List requests can be optionally authenticated, change script name.
- Small fixes.
0.001 2019-06-19 Initial release