Revision history for perl module Test::Applify
0.06 2017-11-28T16:17:50+1300
- bug fix for run_ok and run_instance_ok extra argument passing
0.05 2017-11-27T10:56:02+1300
- run_instance_ok and run_ok
0.04 2017-11-20T12:29:50+1300
- accommodate subcommands in new()
0.03 2017-11-02T07:20:04+1300
- extends_ok
- perl 5.10 and 5.12 support
- improve temporary directory detection and testing
0.02 2017-10-27T12:40:57+1300
- perl 5.26 support
- applify_ok
- method chaining
0.01 2017-04-21
- Initial release