Revision history for Perl extension RiveScript.

0.12 Tue Mar 14 16:32:00 2006
	- Module moved to namespace of RiveScript::

0.11 Sun Mar 12 11:19:00 2006
	- When calling loadDirectory, a "" file is always loaded first
		(provided the file exists, of course!)
	- Added support for "include"ing libraries and packages (see "INCLUDED FILES")

0.10 Sat Mar  4 12:49:30 2006
	- The getUservars() method now returns a hashref of hashrefs if you want the
		vars of all users. Makes it a little easier to label each set of variables
		with the particular user involved. ;)
	- Cleaned up some leftover print statements from my debugging in version 0.09
		(sorry about that--again!)
	- Made some revisions to the POD, fixed some typo's, added {weight} and {ok}
		to the TAGS section.

0.09 Thu Mar  2 18:43:00 2006
	- $1 to $100+ are now done using an array rather than a hash. Theoretically
		this allows any number of stars, even greater than 100.
	- Arrays in triggers have been modified. An array in parenthesis (the former
		requirement) will make the array matchable in <star#> tags. An array outside
		of parenthesis makes it NOT matchable.
	- Minor code improvements for readibility purposes.

0.08 Thu Feb 16 17:37:00 2006
	- Added <add>, <sub>, <mult>, and <div> tags.
	- Added environmental variable support.
	- Extended *CONDITION to support inequalities
	- Botvars in conditions must be explicitely specified with # before the varname.
	- Added "! person" substitutions
	- Added {person} tag

0.07  Wed Feb 15 22:15:00 2006
	- Added write() method
	- reply() method now can take tags to force scalar return or to ignore
	- loadDirectory() method can now take a list of specific file extensions
		to look for.
	- Cleaned up some leftover debug prints from last release (sorry about that!)

0.06  Mon Feb 13 06:56:00 2006
	- Extended ^CONTINUE to cover more commands
	- Revised POD

0.05  Mon Jan  9 18:24:00 2006
	- Fixed a bug with optionals. If they were used at the start or end
		of a trigger, the trigger became unmatchable. This has been fixed
		by changing ' ' into '\s*'

0.04  Wed Jan  4 17:00:00 2006
	- Added support for optional parts of the trigger.
	- Begun support for inline objects to be created.

0.03  Tue Jan  3 18:33:00 2006
	- Added search() method.
	- <bot> variables can be inserted into triggers now (for example having
		the bot reply to its name no matter what its name is)

0.02	Thu Dec 22 11:28:00 2005
	- Fixed a regexp bug; now it stops searching when it finds a match
		(it would cause errors with $1 to $100)
	- Fixed an inconsistency that didn't allow uservars to work in
	- Added <id> tag, useful for objects that need a unique user to work
	- Fixed bug that warned about comments that began with more than
		one set of //

0.01	Tue Dec 20 14:51:39 2005
	- Initial release