Revision history for Perl extension Chatbot::Alpha.
1.61 Sat Aug 6 14:43:00 2005
- Completed Chatbot::Alpha::Sort module.
1.40 Wed May 4 14:54:00 2005
- Fixed major bug: * being converted to (.*?) wasn't a global replace, so
thus far reply triggers could only contain a single *.
1.30 Tue Feb 15 16:12:00 2004
- Added capability for topics.
1.10 Thu Dec 23 14:20:23 2004
- Added the "#" command.
- Fixed bugs in reply matching.
1.00 Wed Sep 6 16:22:40 2004
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-X -n Chatbot::Alpha