0.005 2025-01-29
  [Requirement Changes]
    * Require SPVM 0.990042.
  [Test Improvement]
    * Call Fn#destroy_runtime_permanent_vars method in the end of tests.
0.004 2025-01-14
  [Bug Fix]
    * Fix a bug that the native class of Time::Piece is not compiled.
    * Link stdc++ explictly.
  [Internal Changes]
    * Update .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP.
0.003 2023-12-22
  [New Features]
    * Allow the localtime and gmtime method in the Time::Piece minus epoch time by $allow_minus optional argument.
      method localtime : Time::Piece ($epoch : long = -1, $allow_minus = 0);
      method gmtime : Time::Piece ($epoch : long = -1, $allow_minus = 0);

0.002 2023-12-21
  [Requirement Changes]
    * Require SPVM 0.989064.
0.001 2023-12-20
    * First release.