0.003 2024-02-23
  [New Features]
    * Add the following method to the HTTP::Minimal.

      method head : HTTP::Minimal::Message::Response ($url : string, $options : object[] = undef);

      method put : HTTP::Minimal::Message::Response ($url : string, $options : object[] = undef);

      method post : HTTP::Minimal::Message::Response ($url : string, $options : object[] = undef);

      method patch : HTTP::Minimal::Message::Response ($url : string, $options : object[] = undef);

      method delete : HTTP::Minimal::Message::Response ($url : string, $options : object[] = undef);
    * Catch up with the latest SPVM.
0.002 2023-11-23
  [Incompatible Changes]
    * The type of timeout becomes double.
  [New Features]
    * Support Go.
  [Requirement Changes]
    * Require IO 0.211
0.001 2023-08-22
    * First release.