Revision history for Getopt-Euclid

  - #61321 - made tests that require writeable files set own properties to 644

0.2.2  Thu Sep  9 19:30:55 2010
  - #28474 - fixed the way name was being parsed
  - #35895 - line delimiters converted to newlines
  - #49524 - fixed way POD parsed so that headers after a =cut get parsed
  - #55259 - created $SCRIPT_VERSION variable containing parsed version
  - #61039 - don't insert default value for options with optional placeholders
             where the flag is given but a value for the placeholder is not

0.2.1  Sun May 31 12:57:07 2009
  - Removed BEGIN blocks and simply brought the defined variables to the top
    of the module (thanks Todd)
  - Update POD to make sure people don't "use Getopt::Euclid ();"
  - Removed debugger break point (thanks Diab)
  - Removed no bugs claim in POD

0.2.0  Sat Aug  4 17:22:31 2007
  - Added fallback to $main::VERSION if version not specified in Pod
    (thanks Todd and Thomas)
  - Added non-zero exit value on bad arg list (thanks Toby)
  - Changed module behaviour: now removes identified arguments from @ARGV.
    on successful match (thanks Aran and Tim)
  - Allowed alternations everywhere (i.e. outside optionals too)
  - Allowed E<lt> and E<gt> in option specifiers (thanks Wes)

0.1.0  Thu Nov  2 19:47:05 2006
  - Fixed failure to recognize +integer and 0+integer type specification
    (thanks Ron)
  - Added quotemeta'ing of regexically special characters 
    (thanks Ron)
  - Repatched :vars<opt_> mode to really export all args
    (thanks again Tim!)

0.0.9  Thu Oct 26 21:18:46 2006
  - Patched :vars<opt_> mode to export all args (thanks Tim!)

0.0.8  Sun Oct  8 12:45:17 2006
  - Remove spurious smart comments
  - Added missing documentation for placeholder misspecification diagnostic
  - Made contents of validator subs fallback to main::
  - Allowed false: flags to be regexes
  - Fixed readable/writable test for '-' (thanks Thomas)
  - Added regexes as valid placeholder type constraints

0.0.7  Tue Oct  3 03:54:01 2006
  - Added :vars<opt_> mode (thanks Tim!)
  - Fixed option names containing dashes. (thanks Tim!)
  - Fixed minimal matching mode to more accurately detect clashes (thanks
  - Added user-specified type.error messages (thanks Thomas)
  - Tightened up checking of placeholder type constraints (thanks Tim)

0.0.6  Sun Sep 17 02:48:04 2006
  - Removed spurious "compilation failed message" for interface errors
    (thanks David!)
  - Added 'repeatable' option (thanks Thomas)

0.0.5  Fri Feb 17 15:52:20 2006
  - Changed POD::Text to Pod::Text (curse you, case-independent MacOS X!! ;-)
  - Fixed erroneous bug report when only syntax checking with perl -c
  - Fixed bug in license defaults (thanks clpoda!)
  - Added :minimal_keys mode (thanks Thomas)

0.0.4  Thu Aug  4 18:03:28 2005
  - Fixed embarrassing encoding bug (thanks dakkar!)

0.0.3  Sun Jul 24 20:16:17 2005
  - Removed need for Smart::Comments

0.0.2  Sat Jul 23 04:37:18 2005
  No changes logged

0.0.1  Sun Jan 30 20:42:36 2005
  Initial release.