Revision history for Perl extension App-Memcached-CLI

v0.3.0 2016-03-24T03:40:05Z

    - Feature: implement "detaildump" command for "stats detail dump"
    - Feature: implement "detail" command to toggle stats collection

v0.2.3 2016-03-24T01:26:45Z

    - Change: remove Encode::Guess from dependency. Decode ASCII text only when
      GET item.

v0.2.2 2016-03-23T13:22:39Z

    - Feature: implement "get" command in interactive mode to GET data of

v0.2.1 2016-03-23T08:12:40Z

    - Update Pod

v0.2.0 2016-03-23T05:09:28Z

    - Improve: enable command history by Term::ReadLine support

v0.1.1 2016-03-23T04:25:09Z

    - Improve "help" in Interactive mode

v0.1.0 2016-03-23T01:14:45Z

    - Initial release