Revision history for Linux-BootCleanup
0.01 Tue Nov 13 18:49:36 2007
+ Initial release.
0.02 Wed Nov 28 16:27:22 2007
+ Address problems associated with execution of script installed in
0.03 Sat Dec 01 11:22:14 2007
+ Fix defect in rel_num_compare(): a.b.c should sort before a.b.c.d
+ Extended and improved tests
+ Re-address problems with caller script execution; new
bin/bootcleanup utility
+ Improve handling of argvfile via Getopt::ArgvFile
+ Added Makefile.PL OS compatibility check -- Linux
+ Fixed command-line option processing and interactive/non-interactive
mode handling
- --delete-originals option does not require an argument
- --targets-re option is no longer prompted for (non-interactive
+ Specify dependency on recent Pod::Usage so pod2usage doesn't fall back
to perldoc unnecessarily
+ Make matching of target files case-insensitive
+ Avoid warnings while processing candidate /boot files whose names do
not contain release numbers