Revision history for Test-StructuredObject

0.01000010 2013-02-05T07:55:44Z
 - Maintenance Release

 [Dependencies::Changed / build_requires]
 - Module::Build 0.3601 -> 0.4003

 [Dependencies::Changed / configure_requires]
 - Module::Build 0.3601 -> 0.4003

 [Dependencies::Changed / runtime_requires]
 - Test::More 0 -> 0.98

 [Dependencies::Changed / test_requires]
 - Test::More 0.88 -> 0.98

 [Dependencies::New / develop_recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::New / develop_requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite  0
 - Pod::Coverage::TrustPod  0
 - Test::CPAN::Meta  0
 - Test::Pod  1.41
 - Test::Pod::Coverage	1.08
 - version  0.9901

 [Dependencies::New / develop_suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.7.0

 [Dependencies::New / runtime_requires]
 - perl 5.006
 - strict
 - warnings

 [Dependencies::Removed / test_requires]
 - Test::Perl::Critic

 - Changelog normalised to CPAN::Changes form
 - Copyright updated to 2013
 - License file reindented
 - FSF Address updated

 - All packages declare $AUTHORITY
 - $VERSION assignment moved out of BEGIN

 - All Github URLs pointing to https
 - bug tracker set to github issues
 - declare x_authority

 - update to @Author::KENTNL
 - ship .perltidyrc
 - rename perlcriticrc -> perlcritic.rc
 - remove developer tests from t/

0.01000009 2010-07-23T06:35:25Z
 - First version.