Release history for Set-Associate
0.004001 2017-03-07T10:02:53Z f284e7e
- Bugfix: Avoid test failures with -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot
- Tests re-engineered for older Test::More support
- Dependencies changed since 0.004000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +3 ↑2 (suggests: ↑2)
- test: ↓1
0.004000 2015-08-16T11:08:56Z e423dea
[01 - Installer Changed]
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker is now the shipped install toolkit.
[02 - 5.16 shenaningans removed]
- I figured I'm not really getting a lot of value out of PN BLOCK, so I nuked it.
- The indentation level is enough on its own to be annoying.
- Dependencies changed since 0.003000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: +2 -1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +54 -2 (recommends: +1 -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
- runtime: +1 ↑1 ↓1 (recommends: +1)
- test: +3 ↓1 -2 (recommends: +3)
0.003000 2013-03-09T18:56:28Z
[API Changes]
- 0.001000 syntax fully deprecated
- `::NewKey` and `::RefillItems` are now mostly proxy packages, class methods defer to dedicated packages,
- `::NewKey` and `::NewKey::*` are things that `do` `Set::Associate::Role::NewKey`, and conformance to this role is
now reqired for `on_new_key`, not `isa Set::Associate::NewKey`
- `::RefillItems` and `::RefillItems::*` are things that `do` `Set::Associate::Role::RefillItems`, and conformance to
this role is now reqired for `on_items_empty`, not `isa Set::Associate::RefillItems`
- `on_items_empty` is now a mandatory argument
- `run` is no longer the public method for `::NewKey`, use `get_assoc`
- `run` is no longer the public method for `::RefillItems`, use `get_all`
- Dependencies changed since 0.002000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +3 -1
- test: +1
- Code shifted from Moo to Moose, because we want Parameterised Roles, so may as well go the whole cow.
- Hand-written Accessors now replaced by Moose native traits
- `items` and `items_elements` on the main class now gone.
0.002000 2013-02-27T17:35:56Z
[API Changes]
- Set::Associate should no longer be passed an `items` value, instead, those should be passed to the `on_items_empty`
handler constructor.
- `items` support temporarily forwarded for you till 0.3.0 at least
- ::NewKey and ::RefillItems now only should have their sugars accessed via method style, ie: ::NewKey->linear_wrap()
- Dependencies changed since 0.001001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +1
- test: -1
- commmon code moved to a ::Utils file
0.001001 2013-02-25T15:23:51Z
[minor bugfix]
- I accidentally released the previous version with a version of Dist::Zilla that *wasn't* immune to v5.16 package
declarations. Unfortunately, my patches haven't landed upstream yet, so working on a local build.
0.001000 2013-02-25T11:47:01Z
- First version.