Release history for Data-Rx-Tools-ShareDirValidator
0.1.3 2013-04-03T03:06:35Z
- Shift Internals to Path::Tiny
[Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
- Path::Tiny
[Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires]
- Path::Class::Dir
0.1.2 2013-04-03T02:59:00Z
- Maintenance Release for Module::Build 0.4004
[Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite
- Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
- Test::CPAN::Meta 0
- Test::Pod 1.41
- Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
- version 0.9901
[Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
- perl v5.10
[Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
- Module::Build 0.3601 → 0.4004
[Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
- Module::Build 0.3601 → 0.4004
[Dependencies::Changed / develop recommends]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803 → v1.3.0
[Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.0.0 → v1.7.2
[Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
- Test::More 0.96 → 0.98
- Update Copyright Year.
- Indent License
- Update License Address
- Bugtracker to github issues
0.1.1 2011-10-22T15:00:07Z
- Maintenance Release
- strict
- warnings
- English
- VERSION no longer declared in BEGIN
- All Packages declare $AUTHORITY
- Added encoding to POD
- Update LICENSE ( Indentation, Address )
- Move author/release tests to xt/
- Git repo URI's now point to https://
- Added x_authority
0.1.0 2011-04-03T16:24:10Z
- First version. Very early release for comments/suggestions/API Changes.