Revision history for Data-Handle
1.000001 2017-03-08T11:07:34Z 18a81a7
- Bugfix: Avoid test failures on -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot
- Lower Test::More requirements
- Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: +1 (recommends: ↑1)
- develop: +11 ↑3 -3 (recommends: +1, suggests: ↑2)
- test: +1 ↓1 (recommends: ↑1 ↓1)
1.000000 2014-10-10T13:04:03Z 3f54592
[00 Major - Version Scheme Change]
- Migrate to using x.yyyzzz (mantissa=6) instead of x.yyyzzzaa (mantissa=8)
- This may affect hand-operated downstreams
[01 Major - Toolkit Change]
- Migrate from using Module::Build to using ExtUtils::MakeMaker as installer toolkit
- Make test/toolkit "latest" dependencies merely recommendations.
- Dependencies changed since 0.02001003, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +47 -2 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
- test: +2 ↓1 -2 (recommends: +3)
0.02001003 2013-07-26T09:11:29Z
- No longer broken on modern Package::Stash's
- Dependencies changed since 0.02001002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +6 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: ↑1
- test: +1
- Updated copyright year
- Added README.mkdn
- Bug tracker moved to github
- use test_requires (mb 0.4004)
0.02001002 2012-08-11T01:59:03Z
- Minor Maintenance Release.
- Dependencies changed since 0.02001001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: (suggests: ↑1)
- test: ↑1
- Made tests slightly more detailed in the error condition.
0.02001001 2012-06-08T13:30:28Z
[00 Important Changes]
- Code has been purged of stolen chunks of Carp code, and now instead depends on a minimum Carp of v1.22. This is the
first release of Carp that was packaged on CPAN as a Dual Lifed module, upon which I can rely upon the existance and
implementation of 'caller_info'. It is hoped this will make bugs smaller and the code easier.
- Dependencies changed since 0.01011704, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: (recommends: ↑1, suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: +1 ↑1
- Update LICENSE ( Year, Address, Indent )
- minimum version test
0.01011704 2011-10-15T11:05:19Z
- Adapted to work with latest Package::Stash ( 0.33 )
- Dependencies changed since 0.01011703, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +3
- test: -1
- AUTHORITY data now provided
- Versions not set in BEGIN
- Tidy step now only 80 chars.
- Updated LICENSE ( Better indentation, updated address for FSF )
- Author/Release tests now say in xt/
- Github URL's now all https://
- Refactored some of the exception class testing logic in 04_ for enhanced clarity.
0.01011703 2011-04-24T22:29:18Z
- Minor changes release, mostly just dist maintainence.
- [Dependencies::Stats]
- Dependencies changed since 0.01011702, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +1 -1 (recommends: +1 -1, suggests: +1 -1)
- Dependencies changed since 0.01011702, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +1 -1 (recommends: +1 -1, suggests: +1 -1)
- Explicitly set $@ to undef ( critic )
- Stop setting $DB::VERSION
- Move from @KENTNL to @Author::KENTNL
- Use recent features of @Author::KENTNL
- Ship .perltidyrc
- Changes file normalized to CPAN::Changes form.
- Add CPAN::Changes tests.
- Add release portability tests.
0.01011702 2010-12-21T13:43:35Z
- Distribution Change only. Otherwise identical to previous release.
- Don't index DB.
0.01011701 2010-12-21T13:29:00Z
- Give up on trying to operate with the Carp shipped with 5.6.2. If its not there, and not in Carp::Heavy's
injections, use a copy of one we stole and made work.
- Have to put a fix in as well, because Term::ANSIColor clobbers $@
0.01011617 2010-12-21T05:46:24Z
- Fix "missing parentheses around my ( )" for Perl-5.6
0.01011601 2010-12-20T13:07:01Z
- Yuck. The way caller_info is provided is ambiguous. Hopefully this release will get that right.
0.01011501 2010-12-19T13:15:59Z
- The method we were borrowing out of Carp wasn't there in old versions, so we've added a bit of magic to try get it
from older carps too, so we don't fail on <= 5.10.1 :(
0.01011500 2010-12-19T12:36:06Z
- More tests to improve general function coverage.
- 'generate_exception' is gone, depercated.
- Replace: C< generate_exception($class , $message)->throw() > with C< _gen_tree($full_class)->throw( $message ) >
- Coverage testing detected a missing exception class, fixed in this release.
- All tied() methods now tested to some degree to work.
0.01011421 2010-12-19T09:52:17Z
- Reworked the Exception code to be cleaner at the cost of a slight initialisatin cost.
- Reworked code bodies to unify seek/tell calls as _restore_pos and _set_pos.
- Added _fh so internal code is less confusing.
- Extended tests to cover more scenarios.
- Added contributed suggestions as "alternative_techinques" with demonstrations how they *( so far ) don't work. If
people can get them to work (on all perls), that'd be great!. ( Seems there are many weird fdup bugs in perl )
- Stolen the backtrace code from Carp a bit and augmented it, now produce useful backtraces.
- Have some nice code in our exception stringification that highlights lines with colours based on how much we think
they're related to the problem. Stuff thats part of DH ( the place the error was detected ) is highlighted green as
we think it will be usefull in diagnosis, but its not the source of the problem. Stuff that we know is likely to be
infrastructural and not likely to be part of the problem ( ie: code like Try::Tiny and Test::Fatal ) are highlighted
yellow because we doubt its useful. Everything else is left white, and you should look for the problem there first.
- Dependencies changed since 0.01011322, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +1
- test: +2
0.01011322 2010-12-18T10:14:03Z
- First version.