Release history for Pod-Weaver-Section-Contributors
0.008 2014-08-08 11:47:58 Asia/Seoul
- fix exception that occurs when not run via Dist::Zilla (ETHER)
- now also fetching contributors directly from Dist::Zilla
'x_contributors' metadata (ETHER)
- stopwords now passed to the [StopWords] plugin directly via =for
directives, which also lets Pod::Spell see them (without requiring the
plugin) (ETHER)
- no longer sorting the list of contributor names; the original ordering
from the various sources is respected (ETHER)
0.007 2013-12-12 16:58:15 Asia/Seoul
- avoid warning message when manipulating stopwords
0.006 2013-06-13 14:21:39 Asia/Seoul
- New option to determine publish the CONTRIBUTOR/CONTRIBUTORS
section to all the modules or only the main module.
Suggested by THALJEF.
0.005 2013-05-12 01:03:34 Asia/Seoul
- fix errors when trying to access a non-existent stash (v0.004, ETHER)
0.004 2013-05-10 16:39:14 Asia/Seoul
- contributor names are added back into [%PodWeaver] for
Pod::Weaver::Plugin::StopWords (ETHER)
0.003 2013-03-27 11:35:00 Asia/Seoul
- New option to specify the heading level (if any) of the inserted text.
Suggested by ETHER. (CDRAUG)
0.002 2013-03-25 15:07:22 Asia/Seoul
- Merge contributors names on weaver.ini and dist.ini rather than
overriding weaver.ini. (CDRAUG)
- Implemented catching of contributors names from comments in the
source. (CDRAUG)
- It now removes repeated names of contributors. (CDRAUG)
0.001 2012-06-19 04:22:31 Asia/Seoul
First version, released on unsuspecting world.