Release history for Markdown-Pod
0.008 2021-04-11 21:35:57+09:00 Asia/Seoul
- Remove double spaces if attributes are empty
- [GitHub #13] Fix boolean HTML attribute handling bug (POTATOGIM)
- Update module dependency: Markdent 0.40
- Reported-by: SREZIC, DROLSKY
0.007 2018-02-24 17:58:42+09:00 Asia/Seoul
- [GitHub #7] Fix nested list converting bug (ZMUGHAL)
- Add extra newline when starting a nested list
- Reported-by: JMAC, olafhering
- [GitHub #8] Markdent v0.27 uses Specio for types (ZMUGHAL)
- Fixes an installation error that occurs when using the version
v0.27 or later of Markdent using Specio
- Reported-by: markwilkinson, rsrpsinr
0.006 2015-02-22 17:41:28+09:00 Asia/Seoul
- [GitHub #6] Use a stack to handle styles inside other styles (ZMUGHAL)
- [GitHub #5] Smarter use of code formatting (ZMUGHAL)
- [GitHub #4] Formatting fixes (ASPEER)
- Adding --dialect option to script command line
- Adding missing methods (e.g. auto_link, horizontal rule)
- Adding simple table formatting to
- Changing block-quote formatting so it produces output
compatible with Pod::Simple::HTML
0.005 2013-12-15 17:50:43 Asia/Seoul
- remove File::Slurp module dependency
- [GitHub #3] insisting on Markdent v0.23 or later,
in order to properly support lazy list numbering. (JMAC)
0.004 2013-12-12 16:35:19 Asia/Seoul
- [GitHub #2] add handler support for HTML entities (JMAC)
0.003 2012-07-26 21:04:23 Asia/Seoul
- handle Markdent 0.22's line_break event
- separate paragraph if line_break is occurred
- [RT #77887] parse embed html
- display html using POD's =begin and =end tag pair
- [RT #77889] display list's bullet
- Markdent 0.21 supports bullet attribute for list
0.002 2012-06-18 18:06:55 Asia/Seoul
- add real world markdown converting test
- take markdown from
- do not check attr param for end_html_tag
- [RT #75458] apply abigail's patch
- emphasis tag will be match with POD's 'I<>'
- strong tag will be match with POD's 'B<>'
0.001 2011-12-10 04:15:49 Asia/Seoul
First version, released on unsuspecting world.