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# Lingua::ZH::Romanize::* modules Changes

2008/01/15 (0.22)
    - Makefile.PL updated to skip error on DictZH->update()

2008/01/13 (0.20)
    - Subversion on Google Code Project Hosting
    - treats utf8 flag transparently
    - tests added: t/00_pod.t t/11_pinyin_utf8.t t/12_cantonese_utf8.t

2006/06/13 (0.13)
    - perltidied.
    - tone contours added only in the case of Mandarin Pinyin and Traditional Chinese characters.
      this demands on dictionaries: cxterm/dict/big5/PY.tit

2006/04/04 (0.12)
    - cxterm/dict/gb/CCDOSPY.tit removed from archive which is not used
    - chars() method added

2006/03/26 (0.11)
    - first release