# Lingua::JA::Romanize::* modules Changes

2008/01/15 (0.22)
    - Makefile.PL updated to skip error on DictJA->update()
    - Use of uninitialized value in unpack at Kana.pm

2008/01/14 (0.21)
    - L::J::R::Kana updated to pass test on Perl 5.10.0

2008/01/13 (0.20)
    - Subversion on Google Code Project Hosting
    - L::J::R::Kana::Hepburn added
    - L::J::R::Base splited
    - L::J::R::MeCab uses dictionary_info() method to see charset.
    - L::J::R::MeCab requires MeCab 0.94 or above.
    - L::J::R::MeCab tested with MeCab 0.96.
    - all modules treats utf8 flag transparently

2007/07/29 (0.15)
    - L::J::R::DictJA uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt().
    - L::J::R::Japanese changes its internal HASH structure.
    - L::J::R::MeCab supports mecab-0.95 with ipadic-2.7.0-20070610.

2006/11/06 (0.14)
    - test scripts updated for tests passed.
    - MeCab 0.93 with ipadic-2.7.0-20060707 tested.

2006/05/08 (0.13)
    - new sub classes: MeCab::UTF8 in Lingua::JA::Romanize::MeCab
    - t/03_juman.t tests $PATH to find juman command.
    - t/04_mecab.t supports dictionary charset detection.
    - perltidy-ed.

2006/04/04 (0.12)
    - new module: Lingua::JA::Romanize::Juman
    - new module: Lingua::JA::Romanize::MeCab

2006/03/26 (0.11)
    - first release

# http://www.kawa.net/works/perl/romanize/romanize-e.html       (English)
# http://www.kawa.net/works/perl/romanize/romanize.html#history (Japanese)