Revision history for Perl extension RxPerl
v6.26.2 2023-02-19T12:10:11Z
- fixed two examples in the documentation
v6.26.1 2023-02-18T13:44:41Z
- fixed bug on op_buffer_time, where last remaining values were not emitted
v6.26.0 2023-02-10T09:12:01Z
- added op_timeout
- fixed example in documentation of op_skip_last
v6.25.0 2023-02-09T21:09:18Z
- added op_delay_when, op_distinct, op_skip_last, op_time_interval,
and op_timestamp
v6.24.0 2023-02-09T13:13:54Z
- added op_single
- BUGFIX: fixed op_merge_all($n)
v6.23.0 2023-02-08T15:57:28Z
- added op_audit, op_debounce, op_sample and op_throttle
- fixed behavior of op_audit_time slightly, according to rxjs
v6.22.2 2023-02-07T14:55:04Z
- updated documentation
- simplified some operator functions
v6.22.1 2023-02-02T16:23:23Z
- updated documentation, with warning for op_group_by
v6.22.0 2023-02-02T15:04:14Z
- added op_group_by
v6.21.0 2023-02-02T09:49:06Z
- added op_to_array and op_throw_if_empty
v6.20.0 2023-02-01T21:43:10Z
- added op_last, op_max, op_min, op_race_with and op_take_last
v6.19.0 2023-02-01T14:48:40Z
- added op_find, op_find_index, rx_iif and op_is_empty
v6.18.0 2023-02-01T13:05:04Z
- BREAKING CHANGE: op_switch_map, op_merge_map, op_concat_map and op_exhaust_map accept
a second index argument in their callbacks.
- added op_switch_all, op_merge_all, op_concat_all and op_exhaust_all
v6.17.0 2023-02-01T00:29:42Z
- added op_zip_with, rx_generate, is_observable, op_merge_with and op_skip_while
- added rx_on_error_resume_next and op_on_error_resume_next_with
v6.16.0 2023-01-31T21:08:48Z
- added op_reduce, rx_zip, op_every and op_element_at
v6.15.0 2023-01-31T17:14:35Z
- added op_buffer_time, op_concat_with, op_count and op_default_if_empty
- added rx_range
v6.14.0 2023-01-23T18:19:03Z
- added op_buffer
- fixed bugs in op_map and op_filter
v6.13.1 2023-01-04T17:14:49Z
- Started the CreatingObservables Guide
v6.13.0 2023-01-03T20:19:42Z
- BREAKING CHANGE: modified op_delay to work like rxjs 7's.
So don't do this: rx_EMPTY->pipe( op_delay($n) )
Instead, do this: rx_timer($n)->pipe( op_ignore_elements() )
v6.12.0 2021-12-26T11:03:24Z
- added op_ignore_elements
- added dependency to 'parent' module for perl v5.10
v6.11.0 2021-12-26T07:15:10Z
- switched license back to the license of Perl
- you can use $_ in map and filter's callbacks
- added op_combine_latest_with
v6.10.1 2021-12-16T08:14:39Z
- changed wording in POD (code of conduct)
v6.10.0 2021-12-16T07:46:56Z
- added community code of conduct
- switched license to GPLv3
v6.9.0 2021-12-10T12:37:30Z
- added get_value method to behavior subjects
v6.8.1 2021-09-10T04:54:47Z
- improved documentation of rx_partition
- FIXED: op_distinct_until_key_changed supports undef values w/o warning
v6.8.0 2021-08-02T05:38:17Z
- added rx_partition
- FIXED: op_finalize to work like in rxjs v7
- renamed internal $subscription->add_dependents method to just 'add'
v6.7.2 2021-08-01T13:50:59Z
- multiple op_finalize operators placed together will have their
callbacks executed in the rxjs v7 order
v6.7.1 2021-07-31T09:47:43Z
- added $VERSION strings to all modules
- FIXED: op_finalize now calls its callback also on unsubscription
v6.7.0 2021-03-08T00:09:20Z
- support for Futures in first_event_from and last_event_from
- support for Futures in rx_from
v6.6.1 2021-03-03T21:32:07Z
- FIXED: allow perl v5.10 to run RxPerl again
v6.6.0 2021-03-03T21:21:37Z
- added first_value_from, last_values_from exportable functions
v6.5.0 2021-01-27T08:53:33Z
- added op_skip_until
- FIXED: subjects emit to subscribers in the right order
v6.4.2 2021-01-16T06:59:54Z
- removed the ability to call pipeable operators as observable methods
v6.4.1 2021-01-13T09:36:31Z
- fixed Changes file
v6.4.0 2021-01-13T09:31:25Z
- EXPERIMENTAL: use pipeable operators as observable methods directly
v6.3.0 2020-12-15T13:51:24Z
- added a video to the Learning Resources section
- added op_buffer_count
v6.2.1 2020-11-24T15:33:09Z
- introduce gitlab CI/CD pipeline testing
v6.2.0 2020-11-20T09:26:22Z
- added rx_replay_subject
- fixed memory leak in rx_behavior_subject
v6.1.2 2020-11-20T08:06:15Z
- fixed bug in Behavior Subject class
v6.1.1 2020-11-14T18:20:39Z
- included behavior subjects in documentation
v6.1.0 2020-11-14T18:14:57Z
- added rx_behavior_subject
v6.0.3 2020-11-07T07:14:05Z
- fixed documentation
v6.0.2 2020-10-22T08:28:16Z
- minor bugfix
v6.0.1 2020-09-28T06:03:10Z
- added rx_repeat, rx_retry and rx_skip
- added error symbol to marble tests (#)
v6.0.0 2020-09-24T17:18:32Z
- no changes, release v6.0
v0.28.4 2020-09-24T14:39:23Z
- fixed documentation
v0.28.0 2020-09-22T18:59:20Z
- removed the three adapter modules from this distribution
- more marble tests
v0.27.1 2020-09-19T12:17:37Z
- introduce ability to write tests using marble diagrams
- fixed documentation
v0.27.0 2020-09-15T04:38:54Z
- added op_audit_time
v0.26.0 2020-09-14T16:59:24Z
- added op_throttle_time and op_sample_time
- op_map & op_filter now also pass $index to their sub
- fixed documentation
- fixed module's dependencies a bit
v0.25.1 2020-09-13T15:21:13Z
- fixed ordering of sources in rx_fork_join
- fixed documentation
v0.25.0 2020-09-13T12:59:43Z
- added op_catch_error, op_finalize, rx_fork_join
v0.24.0 2020-09-12T15:55:26Z
- added op_with_latest_from
- optimized rx_combine_latest
- fixed documentation
v0.23.1 2020-09-12T08:10:09Z
- fixed two bugs in rx_combine_latest
v0.23.0 2020-09-12T06:43:28Z
- added op_debounce_time, op_pluck, op_end_with and rx_combine_latest
v0.22.0 2020-09-11T15:35:32Z
- added op_concat_map and op_exhaust_map
- refactored rx_concat
v0.21.4 2020-09-11T08:45:20Z
- tests depend on a version of Mojolicious that implements Promises
v0.21.3 2020-09-10T17:16:30Z
- depend on Sub::Util and Test2::V0
v0.21.2 2020-09-10T17:07:35Z
- removed debugging code
v0.21.1 2020-09-10T14:44:30Z
- op_distinct_util_changed now accepts an optional comparison function
- added op_distinct_until_key_changed
v0.21.0 2020-09-10T13:26:42Z
- added op_first and op_take_while
- added links to & ultimate courses
v0.20.0 2020-09-10T10:10:30Z
- added op_distinct_until_changed
- added code sample to op_scan's documentation
v0.19.1 2020-09-10T06:18:14Z
- removed stray debugging code
- added documentation for op_merge_map
v0.19.0 2020-09-10T06:03:41Z
- added op_merge_map
- rx_from now accepts strings
- improved op_switch_map
- fixed documentation
- minor changes
v0.18.1 2020-09-08T07:56:05Z
- fixed bug in op_switch_map
v0.18.0 2020-09-08T07:29:51Z
- added op_start_with and op_switch_map
- fixed errors in POD
v0.17.0 2020-09-06T07:16:41Z
- added documentation for rx_from
v0.16.2 2020-09-06T05:04:16Z
- fixed minor bug
v0.16.1 2020-09-06T04:42:39Z
- removed FATAL warnings
- added rx_from (accepts arrays, promises and observables)
v0.16.0 2020-09-04T13:32:59Z
- unhandled error events throw an exception
- wrote the first point in the guide to create your own operators
v0.15.1 2020-09-04T11:39:54Z
- rx_from_event and rx_from_event_array now hold weakref to emitter
- op_delay now does not delay error events (as in rxjs)
- subscribers' next & error methods now accept at most 1 argument
v0.15.0 2020-09-03T16:55:09Z
- Wrote documentation
- Fixed timer warnings issue with Mojo and IO::Async
v0.14.0 2020-06-10T18:33:29Z
- Support for Mojo::IOLoop, AnyEvent and IO::Async
v0.0.1 2020-05-08T22:42:52Z
- initial version