Revision history for perl module Text::Hogan
1.07 2018-12-21
* Variable $key and $Key typo (thanks Yanick Champoux!)
1.06 2018-09-30
* Update SEE ALSO section in POD (thanks Mohammad S Anwar :-))
1.05 2018-09-29
* Bug fixes for as_string (thanks Tony Finch for catching 3 different bugs!)
1.04 2016-11-02
* Prefer array over arrayref (thanks Tom Hukins!)
* Add copyright_holder to dist.ini (thanks Tom Hukins!)
1.03 2016-05-07
* SEE ALSO documentation update
1.02 2016-03-03
* Transfer ownership from company to individual
* Add allow_whitespace_before_hashmark feature
Thanks to Ricky Morse (remorse on Github)
1.01 2015-07-13
* Add numeric_string_as_string feature
1.00 2015-07-12
* Implemented lambda sections
... We now pass the whole mustache spec! Time for a 1.0 release :-)
* Removed "model_get" hold-over from hogan.js
* Add synopsis tests
* Small spec_test.t improvements
* Small POD improvements
0.09 2015-06-25
* Document the link to hogan.js much more clearly
0.08 2015-06-24
* Further POD improvements
0.07 2015-06-23
* Documentation! POD! Woo!
0.06 2015-06-22
* Small performance improvements
* Die on lambda section to make very clear they are not supported
* Use custom MinimumPerl test_finder to skip YAML spec files
0.05 2015-06-19
* use Github as a bug tracker rather than
0.04 2015-06-19
* add Minimum Perl version to dist.ini
* don't use defined-or to support Perl 5.6 and 5.8
0.03 2015-06-18
* remove un-used "use DDP;" from spec_test.t
0.02 2015-06-18
* drop as a requirement
0.01 2015-06-18
* initial release based on hogan.js 3.0.2