Revision history for pantheon.
0.44 2013.11.29
0.43 2013.11.24
Janus - bugfix
SECO::Index - cont
SECO::Index::Incr - cont
SECO::Index::Full - cont
SECO::Index - bugfix
SECO::Conf::Auto - cont
SECO::Engine - cont
SECO::Engine::Build - cont
SECO::Engine::Search - cont
pantheon/tools/seco/whoismycluster - use SECO::Conf::Auto
pantheon/tools/seco/search - new tool
pantheon/tools/seco/dancer - remove hostlist
0.42 2013.11.22
0.41 2013.11.18
Janus::Sequence - bugfix
Vulcan::Symlink - bugfix
SECO::Index - cont
SECO::Index::Incr - cont
SECO::Index::Full - cont
SECO::Conf - bugfix
SECO::Conf::Auto - new module
SECO::Engine - cont
SECO::Engine::Build - new module
SECO::Engine::Search - new module
0.40 2013.11.15
0.39 2013.11.11
Vulcan::Daemon - 'script' option in conf
SECO::Index - cont
SECO::Index::Full - cont
SECO::Index::Incr - cont
pantheon/tools/seco/whoismycluster - lookup seco cluster
pantheon/poros/code/qfed - new plugin
pantheon/tools/seco/hits - new tool
pantheon/tools/poros/code/ctrl - search engine ctrl
pantheon/tools/seco/ctrl - removed
pantheon/argos/code/b.seco - 'local' option
0.38 2013.11.08
0.37 2013.10.29
Vulcan::SysInfo - new feature, {TIME}{local}, {TIME}{utc}; bugfix
Janus - janus name passed to Janus::Sequence
Janus::Sequence - bugfix, alarm; janus name passed in
Janus::Ctrl - bugfix
SECO - more variables
SECO::Conf - new feature, hostname as index
SECO::Index - rework
SECO::Index::Full - new module, incomplete
SECO::Index::Incr - new module, incomplete
SECO::Engine - new module, replace SECO::Ctrl
pantheon/poros/code/pantheon - new plugin
pantheon/janus/code/b.idc - bugfix
pantheon/tools/argos/watch - new feature, filter status
0.36 2013.10.28
0.35 2013.10.22
Argos::Map - pass path object to plugin *
Vulcan::Symlink - bugfix and new feature, rollback
Vulcan::Symlink::Conf - new module
SECO::ExpSSH - freebsd support
pantheon/argos/code/m.port - new feature, ad-hoc input *
pantheon/janus/code/b.idc - new plugin
pantheon/poros/code/symlink - new plugin
pantheon/tools/symlink - new tool
0.34 2013.10.19
0.33 2013.10.13
Vulcan::Cruft - new feature, count for cut()
Vulcan::Mrsync - new feature, parametrize nice *1
Vulcan::Daemon - bugfix
MIO - new module, interface *2
MIO::UDP - new module
MIO::TCP - error on connect() failure, rework with IO::Socket
MIO::CMD - *2
MIO::SSH - *2
Hermes::Object - add clone() *3
Hermes::KeySet - remove clone() *3
Hermes::Integer - new module *3
Pan::Macro - temporarily removed
pantheon/argos/code/m.port - new plugin *4
pantheon/argos/code/m.ssh - removed, replaced by m.port *4
pantheon/poros/code/grep - chop command output
pantheon/tools/seco/dance - bugfix
pantheon/tools/hermes/cache - bugfix
pantheon/tools/mrsync - new feature *1
0.32 2013.10.12
0.31 2013.10.09
MIO::TCP - bugfix
Vulcan::Sort - bugfix
Vulcan::NetMap - bugfix
pantheon/argos/code/b.seco - bugfix
pantheon/argos/code/r.seco - bugfix
pantheon/argos/code/m.grep - warning
pantheon/argos/code/m.sysinfo - warning
pantheon/argos/code/m.ssh - parametrize
pantheon/janus/code/b.seco - new plugin
pantheon/tools/argos/watch - new feature, sort by status
0.30 2013.10.08
0.29 2013.09.29
SECO::Ctrl - new feature, poll data count
SECO::Conf - reorganize replica, interface change *
Vulcan::Daemon - new feature, tail service log
pantheon/poros/code/seco - new plugin
pantheon/argos/code/m.ssh - new plugin
pantheon/argos/code/m.http - new feature, interface change *
pantheon/argos/code/b.seco - new feature
pantheon/argos/code/r.seco - bugfix
pantheon/tools/argos/watch - bugfix
pantheon/tools/daemon - new feature
pantheon/tools/mssh - minor change
pantheon/tools/seco/dance - SECO::Conf
pantheon/hermes/callback/seco - SECO::Conf
0.28 2013.09.27
0.27 2013.09.23
Vulcan::Sort - new module
Vulcan::NetMap - new module
Vulcan::Cruft - bugfix
Vulcan::Mrsync - bugfix
pantheon/argos/code/r.seco - bugfix
pantheon/tools/seco/decruft - bugfix
pantheon/tools/argos/watch - new tool
0.26 2013.09.22
0.25 2013.09.16
Pan::Multicast - new module, data distribution via multicast
Vulcan::SysInfo - bugfix
Cerew::DBI::Index - bugfix
pantheon/tools/seco/ntpsync - new tools
pantheon/tools/seco/decruft - new tools
pantheon/tools/caller - new tools
0.24 2013.09.14
0.23 2013.09.09
Hermes::Object - new module, object interface for overloaded operators
Hermes::KeySet - implements Hermes::Object
Vulcan::Cruft - new method cut() for log rotation
Vulcan::Daemon - defaults adjusted; bugfix, kill() now stops multilog
pantheon/argos/code/r.seco - bugfix for hermes lookup
pantheon/seco/callback/node - new callback
SECO::Index - SECO index build module
pantheon/tools/seco/index - new tools, build index
0.22 2013.09.06
0.21 2013.09.06
MIO::TCP - bugfix
Vulcan::Manifest - new module
Vulcan::DirConf - $Script and $RealScript macros
Hermes::Range - bugfix, symdiff
Makefile.PL - update dependencies
pantheon/tools/backup - new tool, backup pantheon site installation
pantheon/.backup - default backup manifest
pantheon/seco/callback/list - new callback
UPDATE - use Vulcan::Manifest
0.20 2013.09.04
0.19 2013.08.29
update - replaced by UPDATE, bugfix
MIO::SSH - new module
MIO::CMD - new feature, noop
Vulcan::OptConf - auto_help, propagates to all invocants.
pantheon/tools/mssh - new tool
pantheon/tools/mcmd - new feture, noop
0.18 2013.08.27
0.17 2013.08.20
update - new feature, for bisected releases.
pantheon/tools/seco/dance - seco dancer
pantheon/tools/seco/go - interactive ssh session via expect
pantheon/tools/seco/ctrl - search engine ctrl
pantheon/tools/seco/check - check seco configs
pantheon/seco/lib - various SECO modules
pantheon/tools/.config - add seco config
pantheon/hermes/callback/seco - use SECO
pantheon/argos/code/b.seco - use SECO
pantheon/argos/code/r.seco - generic report plugin
pantheon/argos/code/m.http - bugfix, accommodate SECO
SECO - base module
SECO::Conf - SECO configuration
SECO::Ctrl - SECO control logics
SECO::ExpSSH - automatic interactive ssh connection via expect
0.16 2013.08.16
Hermes - new methods, db(), cb(); callback enhancement
Hermes::Call - callback enhancement
Argos::Map - bugfix, cache
Argos::Code::Map - bugfix, cache
update - destructor remove cruft
pantheon/argos/example/code/m.http - bugfix
pantheon/argos/example/code/m.grep - bugfix
pantheon/argos/example/code/m.sysinfo - bugfix
pantheon/argos/example/code/m.test - new plugin
pantheon/argos/example/code/r.generic - sample generic report plugin
pantheon/argos/example/conf/* - example config
pantheon/argos/example/main/* - example main config
0.15 2013.08.13
Vulcan::Grep - new feature
pantheon/argos/code/m.grep - new plugin
pantheon/argos/code/m.http - minor enhancement
pantheon/argos/code/m.sysinfo - decruft
pantheon/poros/code/grep - new plugin, replace dmesg
update - integrate INSTALL.PL
INSTALL.PL - integrated
0.14 2013.08.12
Hermes - new feature, callback supports regex
Hermes::Call - new feature, callback supports regex
pantheon/tools/hermes/dump - bugfix
pantheon/argos/code/m.http - new features, resolve hostname, debug
0.13 2013.08.06
install.PL - new feature
pantheon/tools/hermes/dump - interface change
pantheon/tools/hermes/load - new feature, --filter
0.12 2013.08.05
argos/code/m.http - bugfix
utils/* - removed
INSTALL.PL - automatic installation of scripts
INSTALL - replace .install
update - replace utils/update, functionally regressed to v0.04.
0.11 2013.08.01
Vulcan::SysInfo - bugfix
Vulcan::OptConf - bugfix
tools/poros/client - new feature, argv plugin
poros/code/sysinfo - code reduction, no functional change
poros/code/dump - new plugin
poros/code/dmesg - bugfix
poros/path - default poros path config
poros/argv/* - argv plugins
utils/update - externalize installation list
.install - installation list
tools/.config - poros argv
0.10 2013.07.31
Janus::Ctrl - bugfix
Argos::Ctrl - bugfix
Argos::Map - bugfix
Argos::Code::Map - bugfix
Argos::Reduce - stat supports wildcard
argos/conf.example/main.reduce - wildcard in stat
tools/argos/reduce - bugfix
tools/argos/ctrl - bugfix
poros/code/sysinfo - new feature, supports ARRAY of tests
0.09 2013.07.29
utils/update - bugfix
utils/munge - bugfix
argos/code/m.http - bugfix
tools/* - use warnings
0.08 2013.07.24
pantheon - documentation bugfix
tools/* - change invocation line to /usr/bin/env perl
utils/update - new location for update
utils/cpanm - to automate installations of dependencies
utils/munge - new tool for munging perl scripts' invocation lines
0.07 2013.07.22
argos/code/m.http - bugfix
tools/decruft - new tool
Vulcan::Phasic - reduce sleep period
Vulcan::Mrsync - reduce log verbosity
Vulcan::Cruft - replace Vulcan::RRLogDir
Janus::Sequence::Code - deprecate Janus::Plugin
update - root ownership for @INSTALL items; new feature --prereq
0.06 2013.07.15
tools/range - new feature, accept input from STDIN
tools/argos/run - removed, replaced by map * and reduce *
tools/argos/map - new tool, * replacing tools/argos/run --map
tools/argos/reduce - new tool, * replacing tools/argos/run --reduce
tools/{argos,janus,hermes}/* - Vulcan::Sudo->sudo()
tools/{sysinfo,daemon} - Vulcan::Sudo->sudo()
Argos::Reduce - bugfix
Vulcan::Grep - new module
Vulcan::Sudo - new module
poros/code/dmesg - new plugin
argos/code/m.http - new plugin, http map
0.05 2013.07.08
janus/main/path - default janus path config
argos/main/path - default argos path config
argos/code/b.generic - new plugin, generic batch
argos/code/m.sysinfo - new plugin, sysinfo map
daemon/path - default daemon path config
daemon/conf/poros.proxy - new service, poros proxy
daemon/conf/hermes.cache - new service, hermes cache
poros/code/janus - new plugin
poros/code/sysinfo - new plugin
tools/poros/client - bugfix
tools/sysinfo - new tool
tools/hermes/purge - new tool
tools/mrsync - new feature, default src to invoking host
tools/.config - use path macro $ROOT
Vulcan::SysInfo - new feature, IFACE eth speed
Vulcan::OptConf - new feature, path macro $ROOT
Vulcan::DirConf - new feature, path macro $RealBin and $Bin
Vulcan::Daemon - new feature, path macro $RealBin and $Bin
Vulcan::SQLiteDB - bugfix
Vulcan::Mrsync - bugfix
Vulcan::Logger - bugfix
Poros::Query - new feature, bugfix
update - new feature, --dist --install
0.04 2013.07.04
tools/poros/client - bugfix
tools/mrsync - new tool
Vulcan::Mrsync - new module
Vulcan::Phasic - bugfix
Hermes - new feature, query cond supports regex
0.03 2013.07.01
Vulcan::RRLogDir - new module
Vulcan::Daemon - bugfix
MIO::TCP - input buffer
MIO::CMD - input buffer, bugfix
Poros - bugfix
tools/daemon - bugfix
tools/hermes/cache - new feature -d
tools/hermes/node - new tool
tools/poros/proxy - new tool
tools/poros/client - new tool
0.02 2013.06.27
0.01 2013.06.25
Rewrite of various DynGig modules