2698 2010-09-01 Kevin Kamel <kamelkev@mailermailer.com>
* Initial release to world.
2874 2010-10-27 Kevin Kamel <kamelkev@mailermailer.com>
* Widen "acceptable" selectors, there were hacks that used certain characters we weren't allowing,
we now skip such selectors and don't store them at all
* In the event a selector is given twice, merge back the properties instead of overwriting them
* In the event a compound rule was given we break it into the component selectors
* Add forgotten method for "get all selectors"
* Empty selectors are no longer outputted during write operations
* Updated module, created more sophisticated directory structured
* Updated tests
* Update documentation
3044 2011-03-10 Kevin Kamel <kamelkev@mailermailer.com>
* Add new flag to constructor (suppress_error) to disable fatal errors, instead allowing warns
* Replace croaks with dies
* Add test to make sure suppress_error flag works