DBD::RAM - a DBI driver for in-memory data structures
Documentation and most recent version available at:
Revision history for Perl extension DBD::RAM.
Version 0.04, 14th April, 2000
* Added ability to handle both in-memory and file-based data.
The module now supports flat file databases similarly to the
way DBD::CSV does. Currently CSV files, fixed-width records
files, name=value ini files, and XML files are supported. The
XML support is minimal at the moment, included more as 'proof of
concept' but will get more robust soon. Support for HTML, mail
files, web logs, and more, also coming soon.
* Added defaults to the import function so that even quicker
and dirtier prototyping is possible. This now becomes the
hands-down DBI golf winner for printing our favorite phrase:
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:RAM:');
$dbh->func( [<DATA>], 'import' );
print $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT col2 FROM table1');
1,"Hello, new world!",sample
* Changed the names of the import data types.
* Added lots more documentation
Version 0.03, 9th March, 2000
* added an import() data_type "sth" which allows you to open a database
handle to any other DBI database, do a prepare/execute for a SELECT
statement into that database and pass the resulting statement handle
to the import() constructor thus importing the results of the SELECT
from the other database into a DBD::RAM table
* changed the behavior of import() so that it does not overwrite existing
tables thus allowing data from multiple data structures to be imported
into the same DBD::RAM table (e.g. pull in config files from name=value
and fixed-width files and from another DBI database and combine it all
into a single in-memory table)
* made name=value importing smarter so that it can accept embedded equal
signs in the value
* changes and additions to the POD
Version 0.02, 8th March, 2000
* added capability of processing arrays of hashes, arrays of
name=value pairs, and arrays of fixed-width record strings
* added capability to pass a user-defined pattern processing method
so that users can import any data structures they can parse
* added a WARNING that, at least for the next week, the module is in
a phase of rapid development and that its capabilities, interface,
and name might all be changing (suggestions welcome)
* corrected drop, disconnect, and destroy methods to release memory
appropriately when $dbh goes out of scope and/or tables are
* expanded documentation
Version 0.01, 7th March, 2000
* original version; handles in-memory DBI access to arrays of arrays