Revision history for Perl extension RPC::Object.

0.21  02-JAN-2006
        - Handled void context correctly
        - Added more error handling code for Socket operations
        - Updated tests to skip on Perl with no threads support

0.20  28-DEC-2006
        - Replaced RPC::Object's implementation from shared hash to scalar ref

0.18  28-DEC-2006
        - Updated file ``Changes''

0.17  28-DEC-2006
        - Fixed a problem in Container that broke tests on Perl 5.8.8

0.16  27-DEC-2006
        - Replaced IO::Socket with Socket;

0.15  22-DEC-2006
        - removed rpc_object_release()
        - Housekeeping

0.13  18-DEC-2006
        - Removed pop() from Container;
        - Fixed the problem to load RPC::Object::Broker multiple times

0.12  14-DEC-2006
        - Better error message handling

0.11  14-DEC-2006
        - Fixed the missing item in MANIFEST

0.10  14-DEC-2006
        - Added the RPC::Object::Container
        - Created more tests
        - Corrected doc. errors

0.04  06-OCT-2006
        - Add get_blessed_instance() and __release_ref()

0.03  05-OCT-2006
        - Fixed a problem in reference handling

0.02  05-OCT-2006
        - nfreeze() may currupt RPC::Object object if pass @_ to it

0.01  04-OCT-2006
	- Fixed extra DESTROY problem in 0.00_01