0.10      2017-04-27 20:36:19+09:30 Australia/Adelaide

Fix bug where the /timer plugin would always respond with help.
When timer expires, include the @username of the requester.

0.09      2017-04-27 15:35:34+09:30 Australia/Adelaide

New plugin App::TeleGramma::Plugin::Core::Timer to allow users to set timers.

0.08      2017-04-26 16:46:46+09:30 Australia/Adelaide

Use newest Mojolicious and change from deprecated/removed functions.

0.07      2017-03-16 20:15:29+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Support for commands to be bare regexes.

Add App::TeleGramma::Plugin::Core::Thants plugin to give thanks, the
"Look Around You" way.

Pass the 'body' of a command to App::TeleGramma::BotAction::Listen users.

0.06      2017-02-03 14:45:52+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Require Module::Pluggable v5.2 to ensure we have search_dirs.

0.05      2017-02-02 14:34:53+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Fix Stenographer plugin when logging entries for users with no username.

Improve documentation.

Add more diagnostics to tests to try to work out why occasional cpantesters tests fail.

0.04      2017-01-31 10:22:19+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Harden Stenographer plugin against more types of chat messages.

0.03      2017-01-30 23:38:11+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Update metadata to point to github.

0.02      2017-01-30 23:25:13+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Fix problem test which referred to a missing plugin.

0.01      2017-01-30 23:13:01+10:30 Australia/Adelaide

Initial release.