Revision history for Perl extension Sys::Utmp.

1.1  Fri Feb  9 07:27:18 2001
	- original version JNS

1.3  Tue Mar 27 07:59:56 BST 2001
        - Added utmpname() at the request of someone whose e-mail 
          I have subsequently lost.

1.4  Mon Sep 10 08:12:37 BST 2001
        - Fixed atrocious memory leak as reported by
          Stuart Sharpe <>

1.5  Fri Sep 14 08:21:38 BST 2001
        - Having fixed the memory leak had introduced a coredump in
          PL_sv_free :(
        - Tainted ut_host as DNS might not be in our control.
        - utmpname() was not backward compatible to 5.005
        - added eg/pwho

1.6 Fri Oct 13 16:00:24 BST 2006
        - Changed layout of source code
        - Fixed warnings with new gcc/perl
        - UT_* constants weren't actually working
        - Tainting wasn't working
        - Improved test coverage
        - Removed useless const code in .xs