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Revision history for Ham-Device-FT817COMM

0.9.0_01    12MARCH2014/1200
            First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.9.0_02    13MARCH2014/1200
            Added missing dependancy Device::Serialport to Makefile

0.9.0_03    13MARCH2014/1600
            Added POD documentation

0.9.0_04    13MARCH2014/2000
            Corrected POD documentation Pod documentation

0.9.0_05    17MARCH2014/1200
	    Cleaned up POD remarks
	    Added digest option to getSoftcal
	    Added [0062] and [007B] option to restoreEeprom  
	    Added function getCharger
	    Added function setCharger
	    Added function setChargetime
	    Added internal function writeBlock
	    Added Digest::MD5 to Makefile		

0.9.0_06    18MARCH2014/1800
            More POD fixes
	    Added [007A] and [005D] option to restoreEeprom	
	    Added function getAntenna
	    Added function setAntenna
	    Added function getArts
	    Added function setArts
	    Added function getArtsmode
	    Added function setArtsmode
	    Added internal function eepromDecodenext 
	    Function restoreEeprom completely re-written

0.9.0_07    20MARCH2014/1800
            More POD fixes
	    Internal functions rewritten, no more unicode sent to the port.  Builds 
	    	Data backets within the functions and sends them off.  Old method only
		supported an epprom address up to 0x99, new one supports full MSB/LSB
		16 bits.
	    Added hashes of VFO A/B base addresses
	    Added [0058] and [0059] option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function getVox
	    Added function setVox
	    Added function getVfoband
	    Added function setVfoband

0.9.0_08    20MARCH2014/2300
	    Added better prechecking to all functions before sending to CAT
	    Includes beginning of first radio memory function readMemvfo. Not finished.

0.9.0_09    21MARCH2014/1200
	    More POD fixes
	    Added internal function hexAdder
	    Added hashes for DCS codes, CTCSS Tones, AM STEP, FM STEP and MEMMODES
	    Fixed flipped bit in vfoToggle
	    readMemvfo completed for testing

0.9.0_10    24MARCH2014/1200
	    No more MSB LSB, Uses 4 character hex address instead of pair or 2 char hex address
	    setCtcsstone displays all valid tones on verbose(1) when tone entered doesn't exist
            setDcscode displays all valid codes on verbose(1) when code entered doesn't exist
	    restoreEeprom now uses the writeBlock method instead of an internal one
            Added [0057] option to restoreEeprom
	    Fixed spelling error in eepromDecode
	    writeBlock checks to pad one digit hex values with leading zero
	    writeEeprom checks to pad one digit hex values with leading zero
	    Added function setAgc
	    Added function setNb
	    Added function setDsp
	    Added function getPbt
	    Added function setPbt
	    Added function setFasttuning
	    Removed function toggleRfgain, replaced with setRfknob
	    Renamed function getRfgain to getrfknob
	    Added function getChecksum
            Standardized HEX values using Capital letters only
	    Fixed wrong variable on writeEeprom debug output
	    Added internal function hexDiff
	    getEeprom now supports a range of addresses using second argument

0.9.0_11    25MARCH2014/1200
	    More POD updates
	    getEeprom checks for 4 characters on both variables given
	    Added hash for VFO memory options
	    added memvfohash as return option on readMemvfo when no option given
	    Added [0055] option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function setTuner
	    Added function setVfo
	    Added function setHome

0.9.0_12    25MARCH2014/1200
	    POD updates, removed verbose(2): depricated	
	    Added [005C] option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function getMtqmb
            Added function setMtqmb
            Added function getQmb
            Added function setQmb
            Added function getMtune
            Added function setMtune
            Added function getChargetime
	    Added function getCwspeed
	    Added function getContrast
	    Added function getColor
            Added function getBacklight
            Added function getBeepvol
	    Added function getBeepfreq
	    Added function getResumescan
            Added function getPktrate
	    Added function getScope
            Added function getCwid
	    Added function getMainstep
	    Added function getPwrmtr
	    Added function getCwpaddle
            Added function getKyr
	    Added function getBk
	    Added function getVlt
	    All CAT functions renamed to begin with cat
0.9.0_13    26MARCH2014/1200
	    Pod updates (stale lockfile removal)
            Added [005B] option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function setLock
	    Added function setPwrmtr
	    Added function setCwpaddle
	    Added function setKyr
	    Added function setBk
	    Added function setVlt
	    Added function setContrast
	    Added function setColor
	    Added function setBacklight
	    Added function setBeepvol
	    Added function setBeepfreq
	    Added function setResumescan
	    Added function setPktrate
	    Added function setScope
	    Added function setCwid
	    Added function setMainstep

0.9.0_14    27MARCH2014/1200
	    Pod Fixes
	    Set ranges for set commands with numeric values
            Added [005E] [0060] [0064] [0066] option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function setCwspeed
	    Added function getEmergency
	    Added function getCatrate
	    Added function getVoxdelay
	    Added function setEmergency
	    Added function setVoxdelay
            Added function setCatrate
	    Added function getArs420
	    Added function getArs144
	    Added function getCwweight
	    Added function setArs430
            Added function setArs144
            Added function setCwweight
	    Added function getCwpitch
	    Added function getLockmode	
	    Added function getOpfilter
	    Added function getCwdelay
	    Added function getSidetonevol
	    Added function getVoxgain
	    Added function getDisabledial
	    Added function setCwpitch
	    Added function setLockmode
	    Added function setOpfilter
	    Added function setCwdelay
	    Added function setSidetonevol
	    Added function setVoxgain
	    Added function setAmfmdial

0.9.0_15    28MARCH2014/1200
	    Edited warning Message for writeallow
	    Added [0065] [0067] [0068] [0069] option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function getApotime
	    Added function getMemgroup
	    Added function getDigmode
	    Added function setApotime
	    Added function setMemgroup
	    Added function setDigmode
	    Added function getTottime
	    Added function getDcsinv
	    Added function setTottime
	    Added function setDcsinv
	    Added function getSsbmic
	    Added function setSsbmic
	    Added function getAmmic
	    Added function getMickey
	    Added function setAmmic
	    Added function setMickey
	    Added function getFmmic
	    Added function getMicscan
	    Added function setFmmic
	    Added function setMicscan

0.9.0_16    31MARCH2014/1200
	    Added RESTOREAREAS hash table
	    restoreEeprom rewritten, uses hash table
            Added [006B] [006C] [006D] [006E] [006F] [0070] 
		  [0071] [0072] [0073] [0074]
		  option to restoreEeprom
	    Added function getDigmic
	    Added function setDigmic
	    Added function getPktmic
	    Added function setPktmic
	    Added function get9600mic
	    Added function set9600mic
	    Added function getDigshift
	    Added function setDigshift
	    Added function getDigdisp
	    Added function setDigdisp
	    Added function getRlsbcar
	    Added function setRlsbcar
	    Added function getRusbcar
	    Added function setRusbcar
            Added function getTlsbcar
	    Added function setTlsbcar
	    Added function getTusbcar
	    Added function setTusbcar

0.9.0_17    1APR2014/1200
	    Updated restoreEeprom [006B] for EXT MENU
	    Added Hash of Hashes BITWATCHER
	    Updated getFlags for BITWATCH
            Added function getExtmenu
	    Added function setExtmenu
	    Added function setTxpower
	    Added function getPri
	    Added function setPri
	    Added function getDw
	    Added function setDw
	    Added function getScn
	    Added function setScn
	    Added function getSpl
	    Added function setSpl
	    Added function setBitwatch
	    Added function bitCheck
	    Added some entry's into BITWATCHER HASH
0.9.0_18    1APR2014/1200
	    bitcheck fully implimented in library
	    BITWATCHER HASH fully loaded with missing addresses
	    writeMemvfo function added
	    BOUNDRIES hash added
	    Function boundryCheck added
	    Function quietToggle added

0.9.0_18-1  Fixed package error in 0.9.0_18, no changes to code

0.9.0_19    4APR2014/1200
            Added [044F] option to restoreEeprom
	    MTUNE and MTQMB addresses added to the VFOABASE Hash

0.9.0_20    9 APR2014/1200
	    readMemvfo and writeMemvfo support MTQMB, MTUNE
	    MTQMB and MTUNE added to BOUNDRIES hash
	    Added function getCurrentmem
	    Added function setCurrentmem
	    Added hash MEMORYBASE
	    Added hash MEMORYOPTS
	    Added function readMemory
	    Updated hexAdder to drop leading zero then length is 5 digits
	    Added function getMemmap
	    Added function quietTunetoggle
	    Added function quietHometoggle
	    writeEeprom: Added exception for address 0056 bit 0 on check when toggleing mem/vfo
	    Added function getActivelist
	    Added function writeMemory (supports HOME only)
	    Added hash FREQRANGE
	    Added internal function rangeCheck
	    Added function setMemarea
	    Added hash CWID
	    Added function getID		
	    Added function setID

0.9.5       10 APR2014/1000
	    Assorted bug fixes
	    Added memory area formatter into writeMemory for new addresses
            POD updates
	    added NEWMEM array

0.9.6      13 APR2014/2200
	   Major code cleanup
	   Removed verbose(2) code
	   Remoded CWID addresses from bitwatcher
	   function new detects windows or posix
	   Added function rebuildSoftcal
           Added function saveMemory
	   Added function saveConfig
	   Added function loadMemory

0.9.7      17 APR2014/2200
	   Added internal function writeDoubleblock (16 bit support!)
	   Added internal function eepromDoubledecode (16 bit support!)
	   Fixed multiplication error in loadMemory
	   writememory [LABEL] uses writeDoubleblock
	   writememory [RPTOFFSETFREQ] uses writeDoubleblock
           writememory [RXFREQ] uses writeDoubleblock
           writememory [CLAROFFSET] uses writeDoubleblock
           writememory [READY] uses writeDoubleblock
           writeMemvfo [CLAROFFSET] uses writeDoubleblock
           writeMemvfo [RXFREQ] uses writeDoubleblock
           writeMemvfo [RPTOFFSETFREQ] uses writeDoubleblock
           readMemvfo [CLAROFFSET] uses eepromDoubledecode
           readMemvfo [RXFREQ] uses eepromDoubledecode
           readMemvfo [RPTOFFSETFREQ] uses eepromDoubledecode
           readMemory [CLAROFFSET] uses eepromDoubledecode
           readMemory [RXFREQ] uses eepromDoubledecode
           readMemory [RPTOFFSETFREQ] uses eepromDoubledecode
           readMemory [LABEL] uses eepromDoubledecode
	   setDigshift uses writeDoubleblock
           setDigdisp uses writeDoubleblock
	   setId uses writeDoubleblock
	   loadMemory uses writeDoubleblock
           saveMemory uses eepromDoubledecode
           rebuildSoftcal uses writeDoubleblock
	   getId uses eepromDoubledecode
           getChecksum uses eepromDoubledecode
           getConfig uses eepromDoubledecode
           getDigdisp uses eepromDoubledecode
	   setId now supports all 7 digits!!!
           getId now supports all 7 digits!!!

0.9.8      17 APR2014/2200
	   Pushed minimum perl release down to 5.12 from 5.14

0.9.9      22 APR2014/2200
           Pushed minimum perl release up to 5.14 from 5.12
	   Added README
	   Removed unused variable declarations