Revision history for Catalyst-View-Template-Declare

        - Pass arguments to template functions. Patch from David

0.03    14 September 2007
        - use a smarter way of finding the Catalyst context
        - strip off leading newlines (so that XML is valid)

0.02    18 August 2007
        - Convert to Catalyst::View::Templated API, deprecate
          templates in subclass

0.01    9 July 2007
        - Require T::D::Tags again (Catalyst pre-loading issue)
        - Helper generates valid code now

0.00_03 8 April 2007
        - No longer require "use Template::Declare::Tags"
        - Add a Catalyst Helper

0.00_02 7 April 2007
        - Remove duplicate output
        - Allow templates in subfiles (MyApp::View::TD::*)
        - Auto-load those subfiles

0.00_01 7 April 2007
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.