$Id: Changes,v 1.3 2009-12-13 12:31:38 joern Exp $
Revision history and release notes for what-i-did:
1.0.9 Sat Nov 27, 2010, joern
- Activities consisting of a plain number didn't
show up in the sum up dialog. Thanks for the report
to Radim Tobolka <rtobolka AT koukaam.se>.
- Screensaver tracking didn't work for newer GNOME
version due to internal dbus API changes
1.0.8 Sun Dec 13, 2009, joern
First public release on exit1.org
1.0.7 Mon Jul 13, 2009, joern
- Workarounded a crash in Gtk2::SimpleList on
reloading the sum up table.
- Now fully internationalized. Current languages:
English and German. Requires libintl-perl.
- No "write-duration-to-file" option anymore.
Senseless and problematic with i18n due to
date parsing issues.
- In sum-up dialog text of all selected entries
is copied to the text entry (not just the first one).
- Option to remove a colon delimited prefix from
the items in the sum-up dialog. This way you can
easily group items for the same project by giving
them the same prefix, without having the prefix
repeated in the text entry.
- Option to hide all entries of a completely summed
up day by modifying the log file and replacing the
dashes in the day delimiter to equal signs. All
text lines before a line starting with an equal
sign are hidden when opening the sum-up dialog.
- New --add parameter for adding an activity
to the log from the command line.
- Moved ~/.what-i-did directory to common
1.0.6 Sun Jun 29, 2008, joern
- Some standard activity shortcut buttons
- Text completion in activity entry with list of
current activites in the log file
- Preferences sub menu
- Configure whether activity durations should be
added to the log or not
- Monitor screensaver for automatic day-start and
day-end recognition
- Determine and log program exit even when killed
by signal 9.
- Added more tooltips
- Sum-up window
- Show icons for standard entries
- Automatic selection of similar or identic entries
(preferences option) in the sum up window
- Provide text of selected item in an entry
ready for copy'n paste
1.0.5 Thu Mar 13, 2008, joern
- Fixed missing delimiter line when refreshing sum up list.
1.0.3 Sun Feb 24, 2008, joern
- Added sum up dialog
- Added --once option
1.0.2 Sun Feb 17, 2008, joern
First internal release in our company:
- Simple tray icon interface: enter activity text which
is written to a log file with the current time stamp
- Not interlationalized, German user interface.