Fixed bug #40587, include WebPath in URIs
Addressed wishlist #40588 to expand CF value searches beyond \w+
Create Tag Cloud homepage component
0.06 2008-09-29
Fixed a bug that generated bad TicketSQL, and error log messages,
if no CFs were searched.
0.05 2008-09-22
Better splitting of multi-tag values.
Fixed bug in tag weighting when multi-tag values are used.
Update Module::Install RTx to avoid duplication of files.
Update documentation DESCRIPTION to remove outdated information
about patching.
0.04 2008-09-15
Added <p> around Simple Search blurb.
Fixed typo in keyword matching that meant some rare strings might
be misinterpreted as custom field searches.
Created a Googleish_Local overlay to avoid the need for patching.
Updated documentation.
0.02 2008-09-14
Convert to plugin.
0.01 2008-09-8&14
Local modifications.