Changelog for Reddit
0.001 2012-07-16T00:02:06
[--global <>]
- added moose dependencies
[Jon A <>]
- removed utility script
- Updated POD to pass tests
- Updated Makefile
- verified Moose dependency in Makefile, per CPAN Ticket: 74867
- moved script out of source tree.
- updated to use version 5.010001, in response to CPAN Ticket 71748
- updated readme with link to github
[Jon A <>]
- using JSON::is_bool interface instead of direct JSON::XS interface, line
- removed temp make files... again?
- made and installed, then removed make dir.
added packages and rereleased to cpan
- fixed boolean resolution.
- fixed loop to resolve boolean values.
- addded code to evaluate JSON::XS::Boolean values.
- added vote method
- added vote method
- updated MANIFEST
- added type object for subreddit and user
added method to load user object / get user info
- this time added the packages for real...
- removed extra branch
- added snapshot of package
- updated makefile, removed unnecessary LWP::Simple requirement
Updated POD
- modified link parse method to identify type of link, comment returns
comment thing ID.
- added moose branch and rewrote using moose
- added new version with comment function
- Added mothod for posting comments
- wrote READEME welcome message
- uploaded base files
- first commit
[dookerdo <>]
- Update source/Reddit/lib/
Comment id's require a prefix of t1_ or t3_ depending on whether it is a
top-level comment or a sub-comment. Top level comments use the post's id
(5 characters) and sub-comments use the parent comment's id (7
[root <>]
- Converted to using Module::Install
[three18ti <>]
- added gitignore, updated dist.ini
- updated dist.ini
- renamed again
- Renamed to readme.pod
- renamed to
- renamed README to README.git
- added README to prune cruft to avoid [DZ] attempt to add README multiple
times; added by: @Basic/GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line
103); @Basic/Readme (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Readme line 39)
- fixed & sub call to OO -> call
- updated to use Dist::Zilla, formatted to canonical git format
- added zipped version of module
- Merge branch 'master' of
- Merge pull request #1 from dookerdo/master comment id tag