$Header: /u1/project/ARSperl/ARSperl/RCS/CHANGES,v 1.15 1997/12/15 21:01:58 jcmurphy Exp $


Revision history for ARSperl.

xx/yy/zz        (1.53)

  o (JCM)  fixed some minor errors in doc

11/19/97        (1.5206)
  o (JCM)  added ars_GetVUI to the ARS.pm exports line.
  o (JCM)  added refreshCode to GetCharMenu hash
  o (JCM)  fixed bug in groupList value change in 1.5205

11/04/97	(1.5205)

  o (JCM)  updated the groupList value returned by GetSchema()
           so that it contains the correct key words.

10/29/97        (1.5204)

  o (JCM)  added ars_GetControlStructFields()

10/20/97        (1.5203)
  o (JCM)  beginnings of a WinNT port (not completed yet)
  o (JCM)  added "timestamp" to the return hash of GetEscalation()
  o (JCM)  added some extra malloc/free debugging stuff

10/13/97        (1.5202)
  o (JCM)  removed a superfluous debugging statement

10/09/97        (1.5201)
  o (JCM)  fixed problem in GetEscalation     

10/08/97        (1.52)
  o (JCM)  fixed core dump problem due to uninitialized variable(s)

10/07/97        (1.51)
 o (JCM)   fixed some typos/symbol errors. added a missing routine.

10/06/97        (1.50)

  o  (JCM) removed ars_errstr from C code. replaced with ars_errhash.
           modified ARS.pm to refer to hash when $ars_errstr is 
           accessed. $ars_errstr no longer tie'd to main:: package.

  o  (JCM) bug fix (Sid Van den Heede) "affecting getting of

  o  (JCM) bug fix (James LewisMoss) for ars_GetCharMenu()

  o  (JCM) bug fix (Ian Flanigan) for perl_ARIndexStruct()

  o  (JCM) modified GetListEntry(), GetEntry(), SetEntry() and 
           DeleteEntry() to make operations on join schemas 

  o  (JCM) added a ARVerifyUser call to ars_Login so that
           ars_Login() || die() will work as one would expect it to.

  o  (JCM) added $VERSION to the perl module file.

  o  (JCM) added "log to file" action to GetFilter action hash 
           (requested by D.J.Adams@soton.ac.uk)

  o  (JCM) added updated doc tree to main distribution (contributed by

  o  (JCM) new functions and doc on new functions and new examples for some
	   of these new functions.

  o  (JCM) altered return value of perl_ARStatusStruct so that it 
           returns a hash of the various StatusStruct members so that
           reversing the operation is simpler. scripts that, for example,
           retrieve active link definitions and print them out that previous
           expected the {message} key to point to a string will need to
           be updated.

  o  (JCM) added valueType to the assign structure to assist in 
           reversing the operation (converting perl to C API assign 

  o  (JCM) added displayTag as an optional parameter to ars_LoadQualifier()
           so that you can build queries against customized views (that
           are stored on the server).

  o  (JCM) altered ARError() so that return codes of OK or WARNING don't
           signal an error. For example, GetListEntries would return
           nothing if you matched more than the max allowed, now it returns
           the max allowable number of records and places a warning message
           into the error hash. 

05/22/97        (1.46)

  o  (JWM) bug fixes
  o  (JWM) new function: ars_MergeEntry(), ars_EncodeDiary()

04/25/97        (1.45)

  o  (JCM) bug fix to GetListSchema routine

02/20/97        (1.44)

  o  (JCM) added some minor code to aid in decoding qualifier
           structs. added some examples of decoding them.

02/18/97        (1.42)

  o  (JWM) added destructors for the ARS package that will correctly
           call ARTermination when the package is unloaded (when your
           script exits).

  o  (JWM) fixed minor type casting problem that prevented compilation
           on HP-UX

  o  (JCM) compiled with -Wall and cleaned up some suspicious code.

02/17/97        (1.41)

  o  (JCM) added NT routines to html doc
  o  (JCM) fixed a few compile-time problems

02/13/97        (1.4)

  o  (JCM) re-organized documentation and web pages
  o  (JCM) added NT (notifier) functions
  o  (JWM) bug fixes for 1.32beta

02/10/97        (1.32beta)

  o  (JWM) 3.0 integration

11/11/96        (1.31)

  o   (JCM) minor stuff: added an ifndef in the GetCharMenu routine
            for ars 2.0 users. 2.0 doesnt support SQL menu constructions.

11/11/96	(1.3)

  o   (JWM) undef works in setEntry now.

  o   (JWM) added ars_Import to complement ars_Export

  o   (JCM) Profiling code added to keep track of number of
	    queries made.

  o   (JWM) Field caching code added to make some of the functions
	    more efficient.

  o   (JCM) New functions: ars_GetFilter(), ars_GetCharMenu(), 

  o   (JWM) Internal GetField call now caches results to minimize
		number of queries made.

  o   (JCM) Examples of new functions. 

  o   (JCM) "WhoUsesIt.pl" utility

01/12/96	(1.0beta)

   o  (JWM) First release 

   o  (JCM) Installation, history, and Gnu documentation added.
            Removed -lars from makefile (internal C library that wasn't
            released), not needed for arsperl.

   o  (JCM) Added example scripts and html documentation.
