Revision history for Perl extension CGI::FastTemplate.

1.02  Tue Sep 22 08:57:29 EDT 1998

	- fixed bug that allowed first character after '$' to be a digit.
	Variables are now: $[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+
	Thanks to: Benjamin Low <>
	- add strict() no_strict() which turns on/off complaints to STDERR
	when a variable is found but no value found for it.

1.01  Tue Sep 15 10:01:44 EDT 1998

	- added clear(SCALAR) which clears the scalar from the parsed
	hash. i.e. 
		$tpl->clear("FOO");	## equivalent to:
	- made $v='' not undef in parse() to avoid spurious warnings
	Thanks to: Benjamin Low <>

	- added method define_nofile() (alias: define_raw) which allows
	you to define a template without having to create a separate file
	for your template.

1.00  Thu Aug 20 11:59:22 1998
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
	- first public release (rewrite)