# Legend:
# --- = A new release
#   + = Added a feature (in a backwards compatible way)
#   ! = Changed something significant, or removed a feature
#   * = Fixed a bug, or made a minor improvement

--- 0.120 (2007-09-18 00:35)

  + Added support for overwriting user DB files in-place as opposed to writing
    a new file and renaming it over the old one.  This way file ownership and
    permissions can be preserved.
  * Turned global constants into object methods, thereby improving mod_perl
  * Use version module.
  * Sign distribution with the proper PGP key (closes: rt.cpan.org #16851).

  * Renamed source package to apache-auth-userdb-perl
    (was: libapache-auth-userdb-perl).
  * Standards-Version: 3.7.2 (was: 3.6.1)
  * Raised build dependency and compatibility level on debhelper to version 5
    (was: 4.0.2).
  * Tweaked other build dependencies.
  * Depends: perl (>= 5.6) (was: ${perl:Depends})
  * Slightly tweaked package description.
  * debian/copyright: Refer to GPL-2 rather than GPL license file.
  * debian/rules: Minor tweaks.

--- 0.11 (2004-09-20 23:35)

  * Added Debian package control files.

--- 0.10 (initial release) (2004-09-09 23:00)

# $Id: CHANGES 32 2007-09-18 01:45:00Z julian $
# vim:syn=changelog tw=79 sts=2 sw=2