"Revision" history for Math-SlideRule.

1.11    July 2022
        Update pod tests: second blood, part II. More test coverage,
        which is very much harder to write a few years down the line.

1.10    Still March 2020
        Update pod tests.

1.09    Also March 2020
        "Fix" more floating point rounding errors with sprintf. Switch
        to Module::Build.

1.08    March 2020
        Documentation bugfix, perltidy.

1.03    10 does not usually belong to the zeroth exponent. Test::Most.

1.00    May 2015
        Maukeify Makefile.PL. Mandate POD tests, and add POD coverage tests.
        Use actual log() distances in calculations via lookup table. Also,
        sqrt() added.

0.05    Mar 16thish 2014
        Removed C/D attributes. Various other changes and mostly ruminations.

0.01    Feb 11 2014 or so.
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.