Revision history for Game-Marad
0.06 2022-12-16
Fix attribute when selecting piece already on score cell.
Zobrist metadata function added.
0.05 2022-11-11
Make tricky test author-only. Use less recursion to figure out
the piece pushing.
0.04 2022-11-08
Set and document ESCDELAY so hitting escape is not so terribly
slow. Make the select and cancel actions less bad. Better
highlight the center scoring square.
New is_owner method to help with select actions.
0.03 2022-11-08
Mark the piece selected to move with bold. Remove the turn
method (a similar cleanup was done in the LISP version). Add a
size method in the event a client needs the board size.
0.01 2022-11-07
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.