Revision history for Perl sub system "WebTools"
1.001 9 May 2001
1.002 27 Oct 2001
1.003 28 Oct 2001
1.004 29 Oct 2001
- Fisrt official release.
1.005 31 Oct 2001
Last stable (release) version of WebTools and first
strongly recommended version.
- Library were developed with base Php functions.
- Flat DB were updated basing on DBD::Sprite 0.26
- Were fixed problem with handling of some %SIG-nals in ""
1.10 24 Dec 2001
New features were added and some bugs removed
- Enhanced Templates support (INLINE, INPERL)
- INCLUDE function (perl/html) were added
- Mail client released (html mails, attachments)
- Security feature extended
- Session data's limit with forced Flat files
extended up to 1Mb
1.11 31 Dec 2001
Small bug fixes and documentation updates
1.12 04 Jan 2002
- Mail client now recognize 'host' (Unix/Linux) program
instead of 'nslookup'.
- Problem with simultaneous work of Flat DB and flat session support
was repaired.
1.13 06 Jan 2002
- HTML in Perl code (compile engine of WebTools) was weritten and
now it can contain whatever HTML/Perl code.
- Global variable parsing was speed up and all global variables
are able to contain in self any kind of data.
- Currently no bugs wait to be removed! :-)
1.14 08 Jan 2002
- Session support was enhanced
- was rearranged
- was optimized
1.15 16 Jan 2002
- WebTools export HASH-es to global namespace (global hashes)
- Bug in xreader_dbh() removed
- Additional php(.pl) functions are now available
1.16 24 Jan 2002
- Configuration script released for easy manage of file
and databases.
- Thank's to S. Marinov for some fixed bugs.
- Fixed problem with header in 'non-buffered' print mode.
- New object oriented module for image (password) generation.
1.20 17 Feb 2002
- This is a first version of WebTools that use Errors::Errors module
to handle some base errors and signals.
- Problem with INLINE/INPERL templates solved.
- "User support" extended: DB structure extended.
- Improved install.cgi (use session cookies)
1.21 18 Feb 2002
- Runtime (pre)configure of (load once)
- Runtime choice of active DB driver and dynamic selection of
DB functions, using AUTOLOAD method.
- All "config" variables now "belongs" to webtools module!
- Install.cgi now catch $webtools:: variables in
1.22 19 Feb 2002
- Fixed bug with simultaneous work of different databases
(fixed through load_database_driver() function)
1.23 25 Feb 2002
- Debug capability added (via html, popup and layer)
- Fixed bug with database creation in install.cgi
- Fixed bug with session cookies
- Fixed bug in (with some DNS queries)
- Fixed bug related to pipe '|' in
- Fixed bug in global export module
(All these bugs are made in last versions because,
of new features and internal reconstructions!)
1.24 03 Apr 2002
- Raw DNS queries (MX,A,SOA,CNAME,NS...)
(don't need DNS client anymore)
- Improved install.cgi script
- Dynamic change of current database engine
- Improved client. It can send multiple
emails, support "banned" list, dns cache and more.
- onStartUp and onActivate events in your script.
You can run perl code, to change dynamicly,
(db drvers, path, variables...) just before script
to be run.
- Dynamicly fillout html forms using hash.
- Script "firewall". Set allowed IPs and restrict/redirect
1.25 01 May 2002
- New 'mysql' driver (mysql_dbi) using DBI interface
- Improved 'xreader' with simplificated templates
- Improved 'webtools' module with simple template support
- Removed READLINE operator in place where is needful to
speed up execution of scripts
- Removed bugs found at: and
1.26 23 Jun 2002
- Speed optimization of WebTools module.
- Eval WebTools scripts on runtime.
1.27 24 Aug 2002
- 'as html' feature added in globexport and webtools
- 'safe' quote-printable in and bug with base64 removed
- flat session permissions is now secured.
- deepwalk library introduced.
- base ShopCard module (mysql side support) introduced
- base Categories module (mysql side support) introduced