The following logs changes for the CPAN distribution Valiant

0.001018 2023 April 6
          - Totally reworked how the HTML generation code integrates with an underlying
          view.  This shouldn't be a breaking change but makes it possible to integrate those
          modules with modern views like Xslate which provide autoescaping features for safety
          - Build new example view based on this for Catalyst.  Changed all the example code
          to use these new features.
          - Lots of small documentation improvements and bug fixes, including issues that caused
          fails to install on some systems as reported by CPAN testers.
          - Lots of additional fixes and tweaks to the Catalyst example application.

0.001017 2022 December 6
          - Lots of updates and additions to the example application.
          - Lots of updates to the totally undocumented tag builder ;)
          - Improvements to the DBIC value glue code, especially around adding and deleting
            related models.
          - Formbuilding bug fixes and documentation updates.
          - Happy 16th anniversary of my Wife and Son arriving in the US.  It's been a crazy
            ride and a fun one!  I hope the next 16 are as sweet.

0.001016 2022 September 11
          - Distribution is no longer labled 'early access'.  This means I've used it on
            enough projects to feel there are no massive bugs / gotchas and that I'm pretty
            committed to the current API. I will only break compatibility if needed to fix
            security problems or when there's no other way to move the code forward.
          - New ability to 'theme' Formbuilder by setting default html attributes for the
            various form elements.  This feature is still evolving so if you use it please
            be sure to check notes when upgrading.
          - Improved Formbuilder documentation
          - clarified the use of the parent_builder option for some Formbuilder methods
          - Formbuilder callback method now includes the wrapped model.  This could be a
            breaking change for you if you use method signatures.
          - New attribute on Formbuilder to track the parent builder if one exists.
          - Updates to the HTML Tagbuilder to improve looping and related logic.
          - lots of updates to the example application
          - In dedication to the living memory of 9/11.  I will never forget the unity
            and strength of my fellow NYC citizens on that day.  If you visit NYC and go
            to the Reflecting Pool, please consider not taking a selfie on those hallowed
            grounds out of respect for those who have experienced what you can never know.

0.001015 2022 August 3
          - lots of cleanup and changes to the example Catalyst application as well as
            more testing of the DBIC wrapper for Valiant Validations.
          - New DBIC result method set_columns_recursively
          - Move the DBIC resultset validator for set size into its own module (SetSize)
          - Valiant::HTML::Form checks its model for a csrf_token
          - numerous non breaking bug fixes to Valiant::HTML::FormBuilder
          - 'read_attribute_for_html' allows a model to tell the formbuilder how to
            read attributes for display purposes.  Useful for deflating or reformatting
          - enhancements to Valiant::HTML::Tagbuilder
          - new global option on formbuilder fields to set HTML attributes when the field
            has errors (error_attrs).

0.001014 2022 March 4
          - More changes to fix issues with supporting Windows
          - Fixes to the continuous build system around Windows

0.001013 2022 March 3
          - Minor changes to improve backward compatibility with older versions of Perl.
          - Changed debugging to help try to fix the Windows incompatibility issue.
          - Tweaks to the distribution meta data to try to surpress debugging / testing
            files from getting indexed.

0.001012 2022 February 27
          - Added packages under Valiant::HTML for HTML form generation and templating.
          - Lots of changes and bugfixs to how nested models and collections work for
            the DBIC integration.  Some changes such as we now automatically add the 
            required validators when you mark relationships as 'accept_nested' might
            be breaking so you'll need to test and please be aware that stuff is still
            subject to change.  Test cases added for these fixes / changes.  Documentation
            also inproved.
          - New filter: Template.
          - Lots of tweaks to the example application
          - Updates to the DEDICATION
          - This release is specifically dedicated to the memory of our beloved dog
            Squeaker, who we lost suddenly to cancer in December of 2021.  Squeaker, I
            wept as hard at your passing as I rejoiced to witness your birth.  I promise to
            care for your brother Bear for as long as this world allows it.

0.001011 2021 November 03
          - Improved documentation for DBIx::Class::Valiant
          - supported deletion of nested results in DBIx::Class::Valiant
          - lots of security related test cases for nested data and DBIx::Class::Valiant
          - Some code optimization for DBIx::Class::Valiant (sensing a theme?)
          - DBIx::Class::Valiant is getting pretty close to the point where I want to pull
            it into its own distribution.  The core Valiant code is starting to look like
            its rather stable adn DBIx::Class::Valiant has enough basic docs and test cases
            that its starting to seem not scary.  If you're using DBIx::Class::Valiant you should
            keep an eye out for this pending separation.

0.001010 2021 October 26
          - New Validator: "Scalar".
          - lots of improvements to the example application
          - lots and lots of bugfixs to the DBIC glue code, mostly around nested validations

0.001009 2021 October 01
          - A lot of little bugfixes to the DBIC glue code, expecially when using nested
          validations.  If you are using nested DBIC validations its not impossible stuff
          is different (please report anything actually broken).
          - Updates to the example application, most to the form helpers which you are free
          to steal but expect them to continue to change until I have something CPAN worthy.
0.001008 2021 September 14
          - More changes to the way the exporter works.   Shouldn't break anything but this
          change will setup the code to be more compatible with Object::Pad, which is the
          sketch for Cor, the possible new Perl object system.  This way we start the process
          of being Cor friendly.
          - Some documentation cleanup and additions around how internationalized works. Its
          still underdocumented (volunteers very welcomed).

0.001007 2021 September 06 
          - !!! Totally changed the way we aggregate validations and filters from subclasses
          and roles.   All the same validations will run but the run order is likely 
          different.  THIS COULD BE A BREAKING CHANGE for you if you have code that is
          validation order dependent (could be in your test cases for example).  I did warn you
          that validation order was subject to change :)  On a positive note after working thru
          this with mst I think order is a lot more firmed up.  I still consider it subject to
          change but I will now only change it if I need to in order to address critical design
          or secure or performance issues.
          - !!! Removed for now some experimental introspection code.   It wasn't documented
          and if you used it your code is now broken.  Contact me with your use case so I can
          plan a sane API for this.
          - Confirmation validator now skips when either the confirmation value or
          check value is not defined.  This prevents showing a confirmation error
          when both values are not defined which I think is correct but its a minor
          breaking change.  
          - Lots more test cases are DBIC nesting.
          - Normalized how translations key names are looked up and documented that.  Its also
          not impossible I introduced a breaking change if you are using translation tags with
          lots of weird nesting.

0.001006  2021 April 19
          - Possible fix for issue where windows doesn't find locale paths

0.001005  2021 April 18
          - Declare column validations inside a column definition for DBIC
          - lots of tweaks and fixes to now nested validations for DBIC work
          - Start on having CCI for Windows and MacOS
          - Stubbed out a lot of the docs needed for Valiant::DBIC
          - improved the Catalyst example using DBIC with Valiant
          - Allowed one to set a context on a model before running the validation
          - enabled some debugging for test cases to help me fix the Windows issue.  If 
            anyone has access to Strawberry Perl on Windows and wants to help me make 
            this work on Windows please give me a shout!

0.001004  2021 April 07
          - Specify more exact dependency versions in cpanfile.
          - lots of updates to nested DBIC support and improved example application

0.001003  2021 March 04
          - Allow one to disable auto validation on DBIC classes.  This allows you to insert or
          update rows that are invalid.
          - Added some test cases for strict mode validations and allowed one a bit more control
          over strict mode messaging.

0.001002  2021 February 25
          - quick followup that just fixes POD issues.

0.001001  2021 February 25
          - This initial release is dedicated to my dog 'Tornado', who we lost to cancer on 
          18 August 2020.  Please see 'DEDICATIONS' in the main POD for more.